Good thing they’re trying to get rid of the FDA so that everything can go back to when America was great and every child had a swing.
I visited New York in 78 with my parents and that is what I remember it looking like.
The movie Wolven uses these kinds of locations.
Bronx looks sooooo much better today. Even the rough areas like where this was taken are much cleaner/safer and more productive now. And it hasn’t been Disney-fied either.
[The same location today, Google streetview.](,+Bronx,+NY+10455/@40.8159991,-73.9111037,3a,75y,234.79h,68.68t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfTYCUuSPmhcCF7xZQLUQxw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c2f5b7c82b117b:0xfda632ef71c11c62!8m2!3d40.8159762!4d-73.9110361)
Good thing they’re trying to get rid of the FDA so that everything can go back to when America was great and every child had a swing.
I visited New York in 78 with my parents and that is what I remember it looking like.
The movie Wolven uses these kinds of locations.
Bronx looks sooooo much better today. Even the rough areas like where this was taken are much cleaner/safer and more productive now. And it hasn’t been Disney-fied either.
[Don’t wanna wait til you know me better…](