inckorrect: I heard this story. Don’t know if it’s true. So there was this judge who just sentenced a man. The man asked:
“Hypothetically, what would happen if I called you a motherf**ker?”
The judge answered “If you were to call me a motherfucker, then I would sentence you for contempt to the court and you would spend the night in jail”
“Alright, said the man, but what if I was just thinking it?”
“I have no authority on what’s in your head. You’re free to think whatever you please.”
“In that case, your honor, I think that you’re a motherf**ker.”
“I’m a F****** Legend“ Man gets tasered by British police
“I’m a f**king c**t”?
GPedia: >He was in court for breaching the order in 2010, when he launched racist abuse at a newsagent before attacking him with a display of sweets.
This… shouldn’t make me laugh, should it?
Otter_Madness: > He reportedly also shouted “Sieg Heil” – a pro-Hitler chant used in Nazi Germany – and banged the glass panel of the dock as he was jailed for 18 months.
The Guardian does not have high expectations of their readers…
killtheraven: I love seeing photos of modern nazi types. If there ever was such a thing as a master race, this cube headed motherfucker sure isn’t part of it.
TheGallant: After a fairly stiff sentence was pronounced in court with one of my colleagues, the convicted individual yelled at the judge as he was being hauled out of the courtroom: “You’re an a**hole!”
After a brief pause, the judge responded:
“Lucky guess.”
IronicMetamodernism: Possibly they were both correct in their character judgement.
devouredbyvegans: I’d say he’s a lot of a cunt.
ImaginaryStar: Ahh, the glorious Albion… *wipes off a manly tear*
Tokyoz: this is the most british thing i’ve read all day
Aussie-Nerd: I’ve always loved [this short bit on Aussie swearing](
S0ul01: TIL : Banter between regular people
Ascarea: I mean, isn’t everyone *a bit* of a c**t?
Cillerboy: He’s not just a bit of a c**t, he’s a proper c**t.
U__A: That has nothing on this (animated Rick and Morty) recounting of an actual court transcript in which the judge says the defendant “looks like a queer” and challenges him to pull his “big old donkey d**k” out in court:
News article:
Flyberius: I was born in Harlow. It’s a bit of a shit hole.
AvengersWasMediocre: Wow I am glad I learned this.
fubarspeaks: At least he was judged by a peer…
Landlubber77: *Bailiff takes a step toward defendant*
“Now now Jim, that’s alright, I think the defendant and I can both act like adults here. Isn’t that right, *Mr. Poopy Pants?*”
spodermanSWEG: > Hennigan, from Harlow, Essex, has dozens of previous convictions for offences including drug and firearm possession and common assault.
Fucking *dozens*? Send that twat into space please
(Side note, ‘dozen’ is one fucking weird word once you’ve looked at it for a while)
Loafer75: Used to work in Harlow… place was a fucking shit hole and that’s saying something considering I grew up in Stevenage
jakobako: Ahhh, Harlow. It’s like war, it never changes. Anyone remember The Square?
skinsfan55: This story highlights just how benign the word is in Britain vs the United States where it’s the most profane word imaginable.
sandsoles16: I live in Chelmsford, so this was like yesterday lol
Can’t wait to tell everyone in Chelmsford we got to the front page.
baconsoupfordays: Lol reddit is easily amused, c**t is VERY common in europe/Australia its not too much of a bad word like its thought of here in the states. Ya f**kin c**ts mate
lat00uk: Why is it that when there are news reports about some racist British person….. He is always a white, middle aged, fat bastard?
wroclawla: My favourite difference between British and American language culture is how frequently and easily we say c**t in Britain (and in Scotland it’s a term of endearment) compared to America where the word ends relationships, destroys families, and is considered worse than gun massacres
watchdogNKC: This is heartwarming IMO. Formality just seems so unnecessary to me
Senju19: Okay?
Rawtashk: Til: someone said something
thom_orrow: The judge was right in this case as the defendant is a Nazi supporter and general ASBO scum. Maybe could have upped the ante and called him a massive c**t.
Brickick: Haha I like the brits. Wish us Americans were more honest and accepting of each other. “You’re a c**t.” “Well so are you.”
irWenis: British title checks out.
Dude decides to randomly shatter a store’s glass front
Whaddaya Say?