A young german medic ( Sanitätshundführer ) with his dog , a german sheppard. This type of dogs were called officially "Sanitätshunde" (medical Dog). They were trained to alert medical personnel the locations of wounded soldiers or even dragging them to a safer zone where they could be attended by a medic. Note he was carrying a mauser 1871, very outdated for then , this type of rifles were usually used by rear line units.
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A young german medic ( Sanitätshundführer ) with his dog , a german sheppard. This type of dogs were called officially "Sanitätshunde" (medical Dog). They were trained to alert medical personnel the locations of wounded soldiers or even dragging them to a safer zone where they could be attended by a medic. Note he was carrying a mauser 1871, very outdated for then , this type of rifles were usually used by rear line units.
The coloring is amazing, thank you