photos of the Nakba (“Catastrophe”), around when more than 700,000 Palestinians were displaced from their land in historical Palestine during Israel’s creation in 1948. Photo taken in Jaffa, Palestine (at the time) [960 × 884]
I look forward to the many kind and uncontroversial comments this photo will surely inspire
The water seems a lot more aquamarine than I would have expected. Do you think it is because of the colorization or is/was the water around that area that color?
Can’t wait to sort by controversial on this one
If it’s in 1948 then it’s suppose to be the state of Israel as it was after the partition plan and the declaration of independence on the land.
I look forward to the many kind and uncontroversial comments this photo will surely inspire
The water seems a lot more aquamarine than I would have expected. Do you think it is because of the colorization or is/was the water around that area that color?
Can’t wait to sort by controversial on this one
If it’s in 1948 then it’s suppose to be the state of Israel as it was after the partition plan and the declaration of independence on the land.