Conspiracy Theorists Were Right: Corporate Media Finally Forced to Admit America Armed ISIS
A new investigation has concluded that 97 percent of the weapons used by the Islamic State were supplied illegally by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.
>While the mainstream media opted to protect the United States government by treating anyone who dared to question the government’s role in the rise of ISIS as crazy conspiracy theorists, a new report is forcing the MSM to admit that those “conspiracies” were true all along.
>Now, mainstream media outlets such as Reuters and USA Today are suddenly reporting that the United States and its close ally, Saudi Arabia, were instrumental in supplying weapons and ammunition to ISIS.
>A final report from CAR titled “Weapons of the Islamic State,” concluded that the vast majority of the weapons used by ISIS were supplied in the thousands, given their origin and the fact that they were found “in numbers far beyond those that would have been available to the group through battlefield capture alone.”
>More than 97 percent of the weapons and 87 percent of the ammunition used by ISIS were “Warsaw Pact calibers—originating primarily in China, Russia, and Eastern European producer states,” according to the report. However, the weapons were not distributed to the militants by China or Russia.
>The weapons and ammunition were originally **purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia,** and then distributed to rebel groups opposing the administration of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Romek_himself: lol – i got even banned in worldnews for saying this 2 years ago
tetramir: But the mainstream articles it talks about doesn’t say that. What they say is shifting alliances are the primary source of weapons.
We knew the US was arming rebels in theory it was supposed to be people opposing ISIS. Except those groups change fast, break up or get absorbed.
No where to they say that the US directly aremed ISIS. They are definetly responsible in it. But semantics are important.
Tucksforknucks: So even Tulsi Gabbard a congresswoman hinted at this. Even if all major media institutions reported this no one would care and nothing will be done. And even if something was done America having to stop selling weapons would probably wreck the economy. This is the military industrial complex and it ain’t going anywhere no matter how many FCC comments someone makes.
oliver_21: Still waiting for 911 – WTC7 – Pentagon
MrJoeKing: So what was the motive for this? To invade syria for control because of the huge amount of crude oil?
Bacore: Have we already forgotten those news reports that we accidentally dropped arms and supplies near ISIS by mistake? Three times? Of course we we arming the “terrorists” How else can you have a war on terror with no terrorists?
filmfiend999: We also armed the Taliban, bin Laden and the Mujahideen, and various despots throughout the world, since the 50s. Mostly putting extremist right-wingers in power. So, *how* is it news?
rookie1212: I don’t think it was just “conspiracy theorists”. Most people in Europe were already awake to what’s going on. Also, it’s pretty much public knowledge for Middle Easterners. For anyone that could understand Arabic and looked at where the rhetoric and violence was coming, it was pretty obvious that Saudi Arabia + the little gulf states, the US, Israel, and some European countries were set on the “Project for a New American Century”, characterized by further balkanization of the middle east.
WotansWolves: Israeli Secret Intelligent Service
coxlodge: Anyone remember the UK parliament voting to arm 70000 supposed moderate rebels? No mention of it since.
toasttickles: Anyone that has been paying attention from the beginning knew this. The FBI created Al Quaeda, the US government gave the Taliban $1m at the start of the Afghan Iraq war and weapons and ammo that were “for the Free Syrian Army” conveniently ended up in the hands of ISIS then later the FSA turned around and made friends with ISIS, but then “denounced” them. But Donald Trump will change everything and tear down the deep state by….further enabling the deep state actors and giving Israel everything they want. Woo! Simpletons for the win!
MethaCat: Everyone in the world already knew this, the problem is to go through the thick “patriotic believer” American skull. And even if you get lucky and get through, the even bigger problem of being able to do something about it in the current system arises.
ablackminute: Specifically the Obama administration.
ElegantGrain: So conspiracy theorists were right
Mundus_Vult_Decipi: Gotta keep that endless war going.
nomochahere: This is a bit twisted. There already known that America had armed ISIS, BUT IT WAS NOT WILLFULLY.
And this was reported since the beginnings of ISIS.
CH192: Someone should remake that Beyonce song about how girls run the world and instead make it called Jews run the world.
somebody get to work on that.
Redchevron: Good. Now maybe they’ll admit to training, funding, essentially creating them and allowing them to terrorize the middle east completely unabated.
NayMarine: No sh*t you can’t wag a dog without a dog
Dank_Meems: Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Sahir1359: What a surprise
inkandpaperguy: The admission is never on main stream media.
0xnull: When did we first know about the US arming Syrian rebels? [2015?](
Free Though Project deciding too much thinking isn’t healthy and selectively quoting the report:
>The report concludes that international weapon supplies to factions in the Syrian conflict have significantly augmented the quantity and quality of weapons available to IS forces—in numbers far beyond those that would have been available to the group through battlefield capture alone.
diablo2901: BUSH!
likeblind: America arming terrorists and war criminals? wow i’m so shocked
sackajahweeda: Look at the color of those lads under the balaclavas…not a brown tone to be found…hummmm..wonder why?
moretodolater: But didn’t ISIS raid Iraqi forces armories? Wouldn’t those count into the figure? We either armed them or we didn’t, so I need numbers of what they stole vs. what was given to them.
Richard1583: Congratulations you played yourself U.S gov
Beaker3: Maybe I’m out of the loop but I thought this was common knowledge
roshampo13: Does no one else remember the clusterfuck of different groups that arose from the ashes of the original anti-government protests? It’s been an absolute shit show in Syria/Iraq for years. Of course weapons ended up in ISIS’ hands. Although it’s nice to have this confirmed by CAR, this is old news.
killerjavi98: They admit it when the damage has been done.
JRS994: No surprise here. Do we all quickly forget how we funded the rise of al Qaeda and trained them when they were “freedom fighters”
liberalis: This has always been a problem. Not really just with ISIS, but generally in the mid-east, and Asia, and south america, and Africa. Where did Sadaam Hussein get his weapons? Where do the Cartels get theirs?
Rhenthalin: I didn’t realize this was controversial knowledge. We armed Osama Bin Laden in the 80s, Contras, etc.
BenMears5150: I swear I thought all along that this was just a fact? I didn’t even think it was considered a conspiracy theory.
shegotmass: The Obama adminstration supported and helped create ISIS, saying America helped ISIS implies that Americans and their entire goverment supported them which they did not the average American despises ISIS.
DieRedditDie0oo0: So is most of the Obama administration (including Obama and Clinton), DoD, CIA, et al. going to be tried for treason? They put weapons into the hands of enemies of the United States who used those weapons to maim, torture, execute, enslave, rape and murder thousands of innocent men, women and children. Will anyone guilty be held responsible for this crime against humanity?
xdeeman: Yet another Obama-nation screw-up. This makes perfect sense since he and Holder flat out lied about a little program called Fast and Furious. What a bunch of incompetent hacks!
Justin_Trudoe: Honestly, I’d rather us provide the weapons and let them kill each other rather than sending troops to die. Now, those weapons being used on civilians is a different story – and I’m sure they are.
chastenruin: Republicans voted to arm the rebels in Syria (who became ISIS) instead of sending US Marines like Obama requested. Remember John McCain’s photo op?
psy_raven: I’m seriously beginning to think that the entire Arab Spring movement was planned by Obama to turn the entire Middle East into Caliphate nations. To hand power over to the Muslim Brotherhood. When the plan didn’t go quite as smoothly in Syria, Obama supplied rebels to fight the Assad regime which created ISIS. Why would Obama do this? Because he’s a Muslim at heart. He wants to see Sharia law imposed everywhere.
The Patriot Act is about to expire and all of a sudden ISIS is in the US. How convenient.
froggod972: Problem-Reaction-Solution.
sinedup4thiscomment: This is misleading. The provisions of the Patriot act have been distributed, largely as amendments to FISA, over the years via The Protect America Act of 2007, The FISA Amendments Act of 2008, and The USA Freedom Act of 2015. The last section, referred to as the Lone Wolf Provision, which is the only remaining element of the Patriot Act (at least the only remaining element that hasn’t been modified extensively), expires on December 15th, 2019. The USA Freedom Act also expires in 2019.
This appears to be an old article written prior to the passing of the USA Freedom Act in 2015.
shargy: As is tradition.
boomtnt46: Let me tell you what will happen: they will make up a gazillion excuses for extending it another 20 years.
HibikiSS: Well, since they got their asses kicked in Syria, might as well make some mess back at home!
Cropitekus: I don’t think the supposed terrorist being from Bangladesh is a coincidence: [Bangladeshi Home Minister Blames Mossad for Destabilizing his Country](
ArsonMcManus: Trump will renew without hesitation and gladly continue all of Obama’s unconstitutional spying programs.
Rossism: The Israeli Secret Intellgence Service is in the U.S. Ahh!
kevans2: No no. Trump had a plan… A very secret plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days. It’s day 324. Obviously ISIS is long gone. /s
__G_A_R_D_E_N_E_R__: I’m sure they allied with Native American oil pipeline protesters too. /s
Anyone who disagrees with this money hungry syndicate is suddenly Russian or ISIL/Daesh.
Native Americans still disagree with your illegal occupation of our land.
Reasonedfor1: Let me add a bit more to this convenience.
Mr terrorist is from Bangladesh, one of the very few Muslim countries Trump is passionately and madly in love with. So yeah, it would be easy to just jump over the patriot act.
elohssaB: **If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever. George Orwell**
seeker135: Oh, the nitwit with the smoke bomb in his vest pocket?
If he had a pipe bomb of *any* reasonable size (five inches plus), he’s not giving interviews to *anyone*. And neither are many of the people within six feet of him.
CedTruz: “All of a sudden”?
Zenyx_: This has been reposted an infinite number of times.
OneSpicyMemexD: No he would’ve killed some1 if they wanted to reinstate the patriot act
Focus215: Smh
rushock: They’ve been here for a while.
sumthinrandom: Oh you know, it’s that Trump 7D chess we’ve been hearing about. It’s all a part of the freedom plan folks. Just have faith and give up your liberty quietly.
ShiftyMcCoy: New Yorker here. If they were going to create a false flag to ensure Patriot Act renewal (which has sailed through Congress every time it’s been up for a vote), they wouldn’t have created a scenario where a bumbling 27-year-old tripped on his own dick, and caused major injuries to no one but himself. Only four others were mildly wounded.
If this were a true false flag, it would’ve been a tragedy with numerous casualties, and it would’ve been covered wall-to-wall by all major news organizations. Instead, today’s bumblefuck shared space with “Omg, Donald Trump drinks 12 Diet Cokes a day!” stories.
AmansRevenger: Reposting , and a one month old account.
Totally legit guys.
cnycc: Yup
rlh11bravo: Radical islamists have been in the U.S for a long time. They have military training camps in several states. It’s not all of a sudden.
ld2gj: Sorry, but not buying it. Radical (every religion here) is pretty much every where. Only difference is triggering points. Radical Christians and Jews are pretty much contained by society in the US, they will not do any major actions because they do not have a message as big as Islam and the only thing that the two previous groups care about are pretty much going to happen anyways (LGBT equality, abortion, and science in schools). Islam on the other hand is not a major power in the US and any force that tries to make a power here is meet with some resistance; so they are more likely to go extreme; a tactic used by under dogs in a fight or a force that is cornered, which ISIS/ISIL is both right now.
momosalemur: A terrorist whose bomb doesn’t work…. How hard is it to get a bomb to work? Suddenly the terrorists aren’t so convicted about blowing people up? Their all encompassing rage to destroy Western civilization is so meh they’re not quadruple checking their basic wiring?
This brings us back to …
Studies Show WTC Building 1,2 & 7 Could Not Have Fallen – Why Does The US Still Lie About 9/11, “All three buildings were destroyed by carefully planned, orchestrated and executed controlled demolition.” – Professor Lynn Margulis
theantidilluvian: She was a biologist, not an engineer.
peg_leg: Why couldn’t we get those demo artists for the Silverdome?
joey_bosas_ankles: Erm.
>Ted Walter is the Director of Strategy and Development for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), a nonprofit organization that today represents more than 2,500 architects and engineers. In 2015, he authored “AE- 911Truth’s Beyond Misinformation: **What Science Says** About the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7.” He holds a **Master of Public Policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley.**
What does said degree have to do with Science? LOL
rpm3311: Why did the towers start collapsing at the point of impact?
DrDerpinheimer: Studies? Its a blog and a 4 page article in a magazine.
Whaddaya Say?