Darkcomer96: I have never ever seen a cop pull over a cyclist. It just looks so goofy
Guardiancomplex: Dude’s lucky he got a ticket and not a funeral.
Falldog: Was expecting to see him creamed by another car but this is a lot more wholesome and magical.
ArguablyNeutral: The cyclist’s name was Dave.
Elhaym: This really greases my chains. In a good way.
bicycle_ninja: Is that 595 in Ft Lauderdale?
Smaskifa: As a fellow cyclist: good. These guys make us all look like assholes.
pterodactylgg_: This guy is why people hate cyclists on the road
Turtle_Mcturtle: I’m a cyclist and I feel soooooo good watching this. I have come across soooo many cyclist that have broken so many rules. A car would almost hit them, even though it’s the cyclist fault, but yet they’ll still flick off the driver or curse them out. Like come on.
Mad1ibben: As an avid cyclist and a bike commuter in the nicer months the safest thing for us would be more of this. Just like driving the safest thing to be is predictable, and the more assholes there are out there like this guy the more drivers get less and less used to being around (and likely to have less patience with) a cyclist riding correctly.
Garpikeville: These f–kers can’t seem to realize they can’t have it both ways.
SentientEnglishman: Yes! This is a good example of justice serviced and not the usual bloodlust I see around subs like these. He got _exactly_ what he deserved.
Verserk0: Idk why some cyclists can’t wait for the light. I’ll be sitting in the bike lane waiting for the light and another cyclist will ride around me and through the red but they make no time because either the next intersection has traffic anyway or I catch up to them.
Urwifesmugglescorn: Broward county houses some of the dumbest m————.
twistedtactics: As a cyclist, I am happy he got pulled over. Asshats like this person create animosity between drivers and cyclists. I know it’s annoying to stop at every green light when cycling, but if I didn’t want to deal with it then I would go outside city limits to ride
LuckLovesVirtue: I don’t know what’s worse; the arrogance of the bicyclist or the fact that the cammer isn’t wearing gloves.
SYPHONiCYDE: Of course this is in Florida. We can never catch a break from the crazies.
RustyShackelman: I’ve never wanted to upvote something something so much in my life!!!
Mfusion66: Amazed this actually happened.
dogsareprettycool: DAVIE!
ThisNameIsValid27: I ride a bike. I stop at red lights. Why is it so hard for others to understand? Keep to the road, try give drivers every opportunity to pass and most importantly obey laws. Then everyone will respect you as you respect them.
bds310: as a resident of los angeles this makes me happy. no one follows the rules here
ironhead420: Cyclists are constantly bitching about how they never get treated like a vehicle and yet every day I see stupid shut like this. You want respect play by the same rules.
Elite1111111111: Ah, the ol’ cyclist ‘I’m a pedestrian and a motor vehicle at the same time’.
elkehdub: Traffic laws and infrastructure in the US don’t really take cyclists into consideration. When you’re working within a system that doesn’t respect you, surrounded by people that for whatever reason genuinely hate you (source: these comments), one can understand how it wouldn’t be difficult to develop a disregard for the law.
Pretty much everyone here has a car-centric justice boner and completely ignores the fact that bicyclists have to make a bunch of shitty decisions in order to use their transportation method of choice. Running red lights is annoying, but so is using a network that considers you an afterthought, and one in which your physical safety doesn’t even register as a priority.
Some countries (and some cities in the US) actually prioritize cyclists and pedestrians in their traffic infrastructure, as the US used to before the auto lobby shut that shit down, and you know what they sometimes do? They let bikes go first, because it’s safer to be in an interaction alone. As a cyclist AND a driver, as most of us are (I drive for a living and bike for fun), I can sympathize with a cyclist flagrantly disregarding the law in order to make their own trip as quick and safe as possible. I won’t say I condone it, but I definitely sympathize.
F— cyclists? F— all you angry, unsympathetic bags of dicks who wish ill on others because they’re not in cars.
thenoob117: f— yeah I see too many cyclists do this without repercussions
PharmD2012: I recognize my Davie cops!
Poklady: Lol my hometown
Spidermachine916: i ride my bike to work everyday… i HATE people like this!
vulcan_94: This is south Florida. Expected.
Vmonkey28: This is the first time I’ve seen a bicyclist pulled over by a cop, hopefully not the last
Hideyoshi_Toyotomi: As an occasional cyclist who really enjoys being on the road, I was very concerned that “instant justice” was going to be a violent death, which seems disproportionate punishment for a traffic violation, to me. I’m glad he got pulled over. I hope he is more cautious and more law abiding in the future.
click79: Glad that happened those assholes always break traffic laws
bandopando: I am more than happy to share the road if you follow the rules of the road.
durgasur: why don’t you people build seperate roads for cyclists? If my overcrowded country can do it, why can’t you? you have all the room in the world. just smack down some asfalt and done.
LinearPie: Where is this utopia where cyclists have to abide by the law and are held accountable when they don’t?
batsdx: It’s so f–king stupid to force bikes onto the road.
MiKeMcDnet: Upvoting cause @DaviePolice are the bomb!
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