Kleatherman This picture and caption comes from [this](https://www.rferl.org/a/the-odyssey-of-the-czechoslovak-legions-through-siberia-to-independence/29759515.html) photo gallery.
arunphilip So if they catch a thief in the act, do they shout “Freeze!”? ​ *(I know, I know, I’ll see myself out)*
This picture and caption comes from [this](https://www.rferl.org/a/the-odyssey-of-the-czechoslovak-legions-through-siberia-to-independence/29759515.html) photo gallery.
So if they catch a thief in the act, do they shout “Freeze!”?
*(I know, I know, I’ll see myself out)*
Imagine if a battle broke out, fuck it would be tough with all that material.