If the recent regulatory development in the U.S. on Facebook’s Libra is anything to go by, it would appear the end of cryptocurrency is nigh.
The Money Manufacturing Monopoly
For those familiar with classic monetary system, it’s an open secret that money manufacturing in the west is essentially a monopoly controlled by superelite private bankers for the last few centuries. And as soon as USD became reserve currency of the world, the Federal Reserve (together with their SWIFT money transfer system) have been controlling the world financially (henceforth economically as well); with the same banking cartel in charge of the rest of the world’s finances (via IMF, BIS, World Bank etc).
The Presidential Cryptocurrency Decry
While it’s not clear if Libra is supported by the same banking cartel (likely so), it would appear the American power-that-be aren’t amused with the idea, at least on the surface.
President Trump and Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin have been disparaging Libra as conspiratorial and worthless prior to today’s senate hearing: –
“Bitcoin is highly volatile and based on thin air,”
“We are concerned about the speculative nature of bitcoin and will make sure that the U.S. financial system is protected from fraud,” ominously adding that cryptos are used by“money launderers, terrorist financiers, and various bad actors.”
“Treasury has very serious concerns over [Facebook’s] Libra.”
“This is indeed a national security issue,”
“We will not allow digital asset service providers to operate in the shadows.”
“Crypto investors should be careful.”
Petradollar/SWIFT Must Rule The World
There is no secret Uncle Sam’s monetary system has been weaponized to make anyone and everyone kowtow to the economic and/or political agenda of the American empire.. Ongoing living examples include Iran and Venezuela. And as such, it’s definitely in the interest of U.S. to assassinate any attempt to replace the greenbacks a.k.a. Petradollar, be it for economic or political reasons.
The Contradiction
That said, why do U.S. (and the west as a whole) allow blockchain technology to evolve? Why wouldn’t the authority just ban cryptocurrency outright (like China and India)?
At the same time, we have Libra-friendly UK whose central bank and financial district (the “City of London”) are owned by private bankers making such statement,
British government won’t try to stop Facebook’s new Libra digital coin, says UK finance minister
Combined this with the past attempt by International Monetary Fund (IMF) which is essentially run by the same cartel behind the Federal Reserve to make Special Drawing Rights (SDR) the global currency – “The Financial New World Order: Towards a Global Currency and World Government“.
That didn’t work out likely because every country wanted to retain their own monetary sovereignty. And it’s reasonable to assume the banking cartel isn’t in full control of each and every nation on earth yet. At least not yet.
But one thing for sure, the “Globalist” banks do have every intention to create a global currency that is sovereign to no county all along.
“Globalists” vs. “Corporatists”
If the current contradiction is anything to go by, it simply means there are actually two camps of “Superelites” in the world – One is about safeguarding the interest of the U.S. empire and the other one is about controlling the world.
However, do not confuse they’re two distinct groups. They are actually the same people. In fact, most of them do have overlapping interest in both camps.
In another word, “Corporatists” such as the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) will have no reason to support a non-U.S. controlled global currency. But MIC is a major force behind the so called “New World Order”.
Why so?
Global Domination vs. Corporate Survival
What “Globalists” wanted is global control of everything and to ensure they sit right at the apex on top of the food chain.
Ultimate world control is the trophy they’re after. The only thing matters to the global super elites is total world domination… not state, not sector, not segment, not no nothing less than the whole world. If possible, I am sure they wanted the whole multiverse. As the saying goes,
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”
– Mayer Amschel Rothschild
This explains why the “Globalists” are so eager to get China to open up their finance sector. Judging from the recent development, it looks like mission already accomplished as China vows to open up their banking business (as concession to the ongoing trade war).
As long as there is a crack, written law and given enough time, the “Globalists” will end up taking charge of anything and everything, if history in the west is anything to go by.
On the other hand, MIC will be out of business if peace prevails. They lives off war and they need a host who must have “enemy”, real or imaginary. They will work with anyone for as long as there is war and/or increased military spending.
Nationalism may be “da thing” for Sheeple, but it’s Greek to the MIC.
For this reason, befriending China is certainly not in MIC’s interest. But it’s an agenda the “Globalist” will pursue till they take absolute control of the world.
And for all you know the MIC wouldn’t even consider letting go of such insignificant “enemy” like North Korea. You know what, the reality is it’s getting harder and harder to manufacture an enemy that Americans will support a war these days… Damn the Internet!
Back to Libra, are the “Globalists” behind Facebook’s cryptocurrency ambition?
“Globalists” Hearts Libra
In our humble opinion, the answer is very likely a “Yes”.
How so? Among others,
- Libra has many big players in their fold including Visa and Mastercard. These credit behemoths are part of global banking cartel.
- Incidentally, Libra is headquartered in Switzerland, where the banking cartel’s global arm – BIS (Bank for International Settlements) is located (and neither their business nor their properties are subject to Swiss law!)
- After all, the “Globalist” have always wanted a global currency of their own, be it paper, virtual, crypto, or whatever form.
- That’s exactly why there is this thing called Special Drawing Right (SDR), and then Euro, guess Libra is yet another attempt by the globalists to create a global currency?
- This may also explain why cryptocurrency is banned in places like China, but not yet banned in the west – because the Globalist have been observing to see how can turn cryptocurrency into the orgasmic global currency they have been longing for so long.
- And if you recall, Mark Zuckerberg was adamant initially that Facebook will never censor free speech. And then something happened… Who do you think has the leverage to force Mark Zuckerberg to censor free speech? The U.S. government? Well, I can tell you confidently that’s akin to a fairytale.
“Corporatists” Hates Libra
As mentioned, “Corporatist” like MIC as well as corporations that make use of American military might to subjugate their slave nations, typically third world countries like Venezuela for profit/resources, are actually better off with the Petrodollar since the greenback can be weaponized.
History has proven financial sanctions alone is enough to bring most nations down to their knees. So, why would the “Corporatists” let go of such a lethal weapon that literally no money can buy?
Now what?
Clash of the Titans?
Yes, there have always been conflicts between the American “Globalism” vs. “Corporatism”, nothing new. But folks ain’t going to see no nothing in the open.
The stake is high, and the game is reserved for the “Chosen Ones”. So, you peasants gotta get real. Move on, nothing to see here.
Nonetheless, let’s just take another look for goodness’ sake.
Saved for Bitcoin and the technology behind cryptocurrency ie. Blockchain, whereby there is always a demand for anonymous payment for bad actors (as the excuse used by President Trump and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin to clamp down Libra). Whereas Blockchain will live on as it’s not money, but just another technology to facilitate transactions.
Last not least,
The Trillion Dollars Question
The question concerning folks is not if cryptocurrency is really as negative as alleged by Trump and his ilk.
It’s not about Libra per se. It doesn’t matter whether or not Libra stands a chance to be launched as planned, let alone succeed. (Actually, I do think chances are extremely good for Libra to become a hit if they’re allowed to move forward). As a matter of fact, Libra is not even a cryoptocurrency. It’s technically a virtual currency and that’s nothing cryptic at all).
Libra is ready to expose your identity openly without any reservation. And its blockchain system is in the hand of a selected few, not controlled by the masses like Bitcoin. It’s for this reason those compare Libra to Bitcoin, Altcoins, and other Scamcoins are spreading fake news either trying to profit from the worthless “money” they have created out of the thin air, or they just a confused lot.
The trillion dollar question folks should be asking is “Will Libra Spells The End For Cryptocurrency” (altogether)? And is there even a future for cryptocurrency?
If U.S. disallows Libra,
- It simply means the “Corporatists” are an equal force, if not a greater force to the “Globalists”.
- There will be no global currency unless the “Corporatists” are dead, particularly the MIC.
- Meaning Libra is as good as dead. So is any attempt to create a global currency in the foreseeable future.
- In another word, no cryptocurrency can hope to attain legitimacy, let alone become a widespread currency.
If U.S. approves Libra,
- It simply means there is only one Boss in the world, the absolute Boss commonly known as the “Globalists”.
- It also signifies the end of sovereign nations is nigh ie. New Word Order is imminent and soon there will be only one ruler for the entire world.
Regardless Libra succeeded as the de facto global medium of exchange (currency) or not,
- The end result for cryptocurrency is likely to remain the same – It will be banned in the west in an matter of time.
- In short, cryptocurrency will cease to exist unless folks can find a way to convert it to fiat currency without going through traditional system controlled by the “Globalists” – who is after all a very jealous God, according to those in the know.
As bleak as it may sounds, I am pretty sure someday some genius will come out with Bitcoin II that can literally flies from one hand to another instantly without even the need of Internet, and that the currency is administer by folks themselves openly and democratically, non-profit, and non-political in nature.
Cryptos Are Crashing As Libra Hearing Ends, Bitcoin Back Below $10k
Bitcoin tumbled back below $10,000 and dragged the rest of the crypto space lower after U.S. lawmakers grilled Facebook on its cryptocurrency plans, as political and regulatory scrutiny of digital coins intensifies.
Bitcoin is getting battered. But Ethereum is leading the charge lower.
Watch: Senate Grills Facebook Crypto Head About “Libra” Digital Currency
New US House Bill Would Ban Big Tech From ‘Banking’, Fine Facebook’s Libra $1 Million Per Day
It would appear the “Corporatists” is the “Boss” for now as a new bill entitled “Keep Big Tech out of Finance” has been drafted, allegedly by the United States House of Representatives Financial Services Committee. The legislation proposes to impose a $1 million fine daily upon any firm that violates its proposed rules.
And over in China,
Expert: Facebook’s Libra Concept as a Whole Is Appealing to China
No idea why is China so fascinated with Libra?
Isn’t Libra just an improved version of WeChat or AliPay? An improved bootleg is still a bootleg, is it not?
Honestly, the Commies should concentrate on combating those who are about to gobble up their finance system.
While its national finances remain firmly in the hand of China’s Communist Party for now, and unless the Politburo understands what is at stake and managed to outwit the “Globalists” (and the “Corporatists” at the same time), I have reasons to believe it’s just a matter of time before their finances are complete controlled by the same “Globalists” who already control the west in its entirety, financially speaking.
It will be a tough battle ahead for the Commies, but not impossible.
Remember, history repeats itself.
Whaddaya Say?