pwnt_n00b: Is that a hotdog cart? Dude shoulda stuck a hotdog in ol boys mouth after that quick beatdown.
C01470569T45: What could possibly have happened in such a simple transaction as a 1.50 for an ice cream or hotdog that it resorted to beat downs?
supernerdgamer007: The dude makes sure to not throw the first punch.
sineofthetimes: Watching that guy draw the other guy away from the cart to the middle of the boardwalk, slightly pulling up his pants, the stance of holding his right hand back….this isn’t his first ass whipping delivery.
DelmaPantano: This looks like the Atlantic City boardwalk.
islandboi124: It feels weird not listening Worldstar!!! being shouted
AmericanPixel: And he walked away yellin WORLD STAR!
I_hate_ESPN: Screwdriver handle to the dome.
somewhatusefulidiot: nice whiff punish
grenadetradedotcom: The biggest loser in AC that day. And he wasn’t even gambling.
akroonie: Holy shit that one of the best & clear KO I’ve seen in my life. FATALITY
cwutididthar: he may as well have telegraphed that swing from 1889
Whaddaya Say?