Chevy024: This is one of those videos that never gets old.
liquid_j: Casey the destroyer. This clip is like a fine wine, it just gets better with age.
PopeADopePope: Definitely a classic
gnich62: I think this video is nearly as old as the internet, and it gets better with age.
BundleOfSticks86: The immortal Zangief Kid
skycake23: No one told that bully the first rule of being a bully
…pick on someone smaller than you
docbrown_: Damn I thought this was titlegore at first and that the big kid was the bully. The “bully’s” legs look like they are about to snap from malnourishment. What was he thinking bothering someone who clearly weighs at least 5x what he does? His legs do not even fit in his sneakers.
AlmoschFamous: It’s sad because the bully very clearly has fetal alcohol syndrome.
1_upped: High school? They look 12 at most.
Mobbzy: fuck the “victim” though he went on justin beibers concert stage. Little bitch
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