Historic – Norway’s Parliament Votes to Decriminalize All Drugs
4ward2death: It’s not profitable for the United States to do this. How would we fill our private prisons?
birdman5000: kudos to Norway!
Kimbellinie: Novel. Imagine if we educated and assisted with treatment instead of incarceration. From experience I can tell you all rehabs are not created equal and the more expensive ones have a lower relapse rate. If we poured that incarceration money into treatment we might start to make some headway.
Neubeowulf: This will never happen in the US because our government is addicted to the War on Drugs and all money and public employment it creates for Law Enforcement, Justice and Prisons. What would all these public servants do without all those criminal drug users?
AngryD09: I’d consider decriminalizing drugs but I think that penalties for crimes committed for drug seeking behavior should increase as well. If someone steals to feed a drug habit they should be punished more than someone who steals to feed their family.
boxmakingmachines: Also, and this is an unpopular opinion but fuck it, not everyone who does drugs gets addicted to them/ruins their life with them. Some people do drugs recreationally and do so responsibly. Yes, many people struggle with addiction and drugs are their muse, but obviously prohibition doesn’t work. Take *half* the money we publicly spend on prohibition and put it towards treatment and counseling for those who need it, and you will see positive results. More of the same won’t get us anywhere.
momosalemur: The problem here is that we’ve now gone from demonising to taking away all responsibility. Drugs are a struggle, but a struggle that people choose to act on. The only way people will get off of drugs IS by taking self responsibility which has nothing to so with the state.
Fungi518: I like what they did, but wtf man. I choose to drop lsd and vape thc oil and I’m successful and certainly don’t need help nor treatment! Not loving how they make drug users sound!
ilovebeeingwhite: We’re still a few years away from decriminalization.. our politicians are going to Portugal in Mars to have a look at their model. So hopefully they will drag their head out of their asses and get enlighted!
CalebImSoMetal: I cant wait for these awful drugs to become purchasable products from evil marketing companies just like the ones for alcohol and tobacco. What could go wrong?
DereIzNoPoint: I always wonder why the Nordic countries are never attacked by the Western elites.
The Nordic countries have the biggest triggers for the rabid imbeciles running the west, they’re socialist for the ordinary people, peaceful, progressive, have high quality education and health care, they actually tax the wealthy (shock, horror!), and now this (they don’t use drug laws to oppress minorities and siphon off money to the private prison and drug industries)…if any non-Western country tries this they get a ‘revolution’, and sanctions, and ‘economic measures’ , ‘moderate rebels’ or even full blown ‘intervention’ from NATO.
I guess it just shows how utterly racist as well that the elites in the west are.
Draug3n: -but not yet, let’s wait a couple years first.
Ipaidformyaccount: Norway is rich af and can afford such a thing. Being from a poor country myself, it irks me a lot that government is spending money to “help” drug addicts who do fuck all themselves to help their situation.
MickDaster: now we just have to legaliza prostitution. Like I believe Poland is doing. Also start selling the drugs at state run drug stores. Pure drugs at a price they are able to pay of course.
ChelseaFan22: Norway tryna be the most progressive Scandinavian country
ProbityJoe: When people start dying in droves they’ll just cover it up.
nxak: No, they have not. It’s not in any norwegian newspapers atleast.
webster_warrior: Norway lacks the courage to lead, so they put the population on mind-numbing drugs. I used to think the Vikings were awesome. Now, I understand they were Neandertals.
If Cannabis is illegal for safety reasons, why don’t we arrest people for giving themselves cancer with cigarettes?
I’m sick of the war on drugs
Thatoneguyyouknow85: Well if we arrested the people who smoked them , we’d have to arrest the people who sold them … and the government is not gonna screw over the tobacco or alcohol industries , those two industries will thrive no matter how the world or economy are, I wish I had stock in either two during the recession I’d be a multimillionaire by now , because it’s okay for companies to profit as long as the government has a hand in it
3venthorizon: Pffftttt illegal for safety reasons…. yeah right. Illegal because it goes head to head with big pharma.
RN2emt: I suspect Alcohol industry working to keep MJ out of competition (WIN), with self serving Court system and long term incarceration system (WIN -WIN) plus use of convicts on “work re-education-projects, slave labor = WIN WIN WIN. My thoughts only. And I am not a proponent of MJ. Netherlands closing prisons due to no convictions. Think. Ungodly harsh lenghy US convictions to ignorant lower class. Longer sentences than murder in some areas. Judges getting financial and civic awards for harsh sentences and keeping prisons full. My rant can go on but will stop here. Big Money going round and round.
Onivivo: Meanwhile any stressed out child gets adult dosage of Valium and some foclin. Corporate America needs to come down like a ton of bricks.
Frogreddit: Follow the money
phoenixperson1: If we didn’t have the internet we’d mostly all believe the propaganda we learn in schools. Don’t blame our predecessors for being manipulated by our govt.
autospincasino: Or why don’t we give the cigarette smokers a clap and a pat on the back for doing their bit to help with the world’s over population? Hell, they deserve a round of applause for not being a vape fck boi and keeping it real imo.
You_are_Retards: Is it illegal in America for safety reasons?
GhostDog999: *X* product sold on the market knowingly makes the users addicts and kills them.
Opioids? Fentaynl? No.
*X* = Cigarettes
Any, and I mean ANY OTHER PRODUCT, would have been made illegal and outlawed decades ago but cigarettes are not. Why? $$$ and population control.
damnvandal: It’s illegal because it doesn’t kill you.
Joey8686: Have you only just realised the flawed logic now??
Intergi: Have you seen a normal human after smoking? No. Fools here may say they become more intelligent, but you should know that’s not true.
DEEP_SEA_MAX: If things that were dangerous we’re illegal they’d outlaw motocross and skydiving.
Noxin__Nixon: If cannabis was actually illegal for safety reasons then tobacco, alcohol and McDonalds would all be illegal too.
Whaddaya Say?