The Anunnaki are a group of deities that appear in the mythological traditions of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians.
Scientists: Modern Humans Are Hybrids Of “Anunnaki”
A team of scientists in Germany have discovered that modern humans share DNA believed to belong to an alien race known as the Anunnaki.
Until recently, the consensus view was that modern humans, Homo sapiens, had been around on Earth for 200,000 years. But now, new research suggests the modern brain could be as little as 35,000 years old.
Apparently many Jews do believe they are the direct descendants of the Annunaki. Could this be the reason why there is such word Goyim (Gentile)?
“Chapter 6.1 – There is much discussion about creating a primitive worker slave race of beings. One of the kings sons states the “father of all beginning” has the sole power of creation. The other kings son that is promoting this endeavor is saying the being already exists and they would not be slaves, but helpers. Of course this sounds like a modern day fabrication of a lie. The other kings son says it is against the rules of planet to planet journeying. The others kings son states it was against the rules to even come to Earth. After much debate the king decreed the primitive slave be created.”
Are Modern Humans Hybrids Of “Anunnaki”?
A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany pinpointed the period when the human brain achieved its current form, as reported this week in the Daily Mail.
Modern humans have a far more “rounded” brain shape than earlier hominids such as Neanderthals. But it was only relatively recently that the frontal area became taller and the sides more parallel. In evolutionary terms, this is a sudden and rapid change that set Homo sapiens apart from earlier forms down the evolutionary tree, and it happened much more recently than previously supposed.
While a testament to modern man as the ultimate survivor, that he has spread and established himself around the world, this sudden massive change does raise the question: was he helped?
The “Ancient Astronaut” theories, the “watchers” of the bible, the “Anunnaki” of Sitchin’s translation of Sumerian texts, all these ideas talk of a rapid RE-making of man in a new image, and depending on whose stories one listens too, this was not necessarily benign. And there are many who think these “altered” humans are the origins of the bloodline Illuminati today.
The research team especially makes the point that it was changes to the skull that allowed the changes to brain size, shape, and function.
These changes allowed Homo sapiens to make major developments in behaviour, as modern man began to:
- Build tools
- Develop a working and long-term memory
- Possess self-awareness
- Use language
- Plan activities
- Understand numbers
- Pay attention to their surroundings
- Develop complex emotions
And these qualities are the defining features of human civilisation today. Indeed, its impossible to image mankind without these qualities, but even from earlier hominids, Homo sapiens stands apart.
Driving these changes seems to be the split from Neanderthal to Homo sapiens, and this is still not understood as to how this happened and how modern man became so different. Writing in Science Advances, the team from Max Planck make no attempt to explain it, but their research has brought the time of that sudden evolution forward to the present day.
And now we have a far shorter time frame from the development of a modern mind and the start of civilisation and historic records. Instead of modern man living in a stone age society for 190,000 years before the birth of writing, science, agriculture, architecture and religion – now there is only 20,000 years, reducing the credibility this all happened by pure happenstance considerably.
As Man’s cleverness has outstripped his wisdom from the start of the industrial age, understanding why Man finds himself standing separate from nature around him, and whether that truly is because the species was genetically manipulated by visitors, become vital questions. Perhaps those answers could help us understand our destructive urges, and hold the answers to mankind’s very continued survival. There is more reason than ever before to think that the human race has arisen from more than just nature, time, and blind chance.
Ancient Ruins Show a Forgotten Anunnaki History
Body of a Anunnaki King, 12,000 years old and Completely intact?
This discovery was made completely by chance in 2008, and if we know what happened is certainly thanks to the Russian media, and to the television press. It happened in Kurdistan, Iran, a country quite closed to the world, at least in the western world, but with good relations with Russia.
(Body of a Anunnaki King)
Although hidden until today, we get to know what has been published by the Russian press.The discovery occurred in a work, when digging the ground to make the foundations of a house. Then came a mausoleum containing three coffins, and after making more concise excavations, the remains of an ancient civilization and the ruins of a city were found in a layer of earth.(Body of a Anunnaki King)
Archaeologists determined that the monument and the city were built between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago, a date quickly revised by the Islamic authorities after Find publication in the Russian press. The Iranian authorities publicly stated that the ruins were 850 years old, which obviously does not correspond to the facts and is, again, an official lie.
Of the three sarcophagi found in the mausoleum, we only have video evidence of the first two. We know nothing of the third, nor of its content, nor of who was inside.
As you can see, it is very difficult from the video to determine the height of the individual, although they appear to be very high. Both seem to be in a state of suspended animation. One wears a crown, suggesting that he was the ruler of the city, and was buried, as can be observed, with his sorcerer, which leads him to conclude that in the third sarcophagus he must have contained his wife Reina. There are gold coins placed in the eyes of the king, which is a well-attested habit of antiquity. This is a first blow to the official lie that the ruins are from the twelfth century. It can be observed that it has Caucasian features, but copper skin : the second individual sarcophagus shares these same characteristics.
It looks like they are adorned with gold and precious stones. These ornaments carry a cuneiform script that is not identifiable, but has been translated, giving the name of the second man found in the second sarcophagus and thus his magician by profession. The royal sarcophagus seems to be clothed with gold or a metal that resembles it, and near the monarch can be seen a gold casket encrusted with strange gems, just like those found adorning the king, it is said strange because they seem luminescent.(Body of a Anunnaki King)
Is this the first real evidence of the knowledge bearers? Are these beings who were before the Flood and linked with the people and were directly related to the development of human civilization? Or is it just another fake that browses the Internet?
Anunnaki The Truth Greys Saurians Reptilians Nordics 911 Conspiracy
The monatomic gold, also in the lost book of Enki the mission to Earth is for gold to shield their atmosphere because the volcanoes that belched out their atmospheres sheild stopped erupting scientists have came up with this idea too. We also have an invisible electromagnetic shield “plasmaspheric hiss”. Here is the other half incase you haven’t watched it.
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