This Dublin cyclist wasn’t afraid to get absolutely stuck in when he saw his bike being taken from outside a bike shop in the city at the weekend. This is bonkers footage from the guys at 360 Cycles in Clontarf, north Dublin.
A cyclist who saw his bike being stolen from outside the Dublin bike shop where he works has tackled the would-be thief.
The incident outside 360 Cycles in Clontarf, north Dublin, took place last weekend. The mechanic who works there was leaving the shop at the time.
He placed his carbon fibre road bike outside and was in his cycling kit just about leave.
Dublin burglars go to extreme lengths to steal €5,000 racing bike
But 17 seconds after leaning his bike against the wall and going back into the shop, two teenagers passing on their bikes take a keen interest in the mechanic’s unattended bike.
One of them moves in and is cycling off on the racing bike when the mechanic reappears and does his takedown. It is all captured in the CCTV clip, below.
Aside from the spectacular takedown, the speed the would-be thief moved in is a lesson to all of us.
“How quick can a bike be robbed? Less than 17 seconds based on this video,” said 360 Cycles when sharing the video.
“One of our senior mechanics was very lucky to get away with about €200 worth of damage rather than losing his carbon racing bike.
“This happened in Clontarf over the weekend. And we would like to urge all bike owners to lock their bikes at all times. Even if you are just leaving it for under a minute.
“Please like and share this video to help us raise awareness!”
El-Daddy: Great takedown in this vid.
JeepDispenser: That car at the end doesn’t even look like it slows down. Could have run over the bike.
godsdead: Youtube mirror as website isn’t loading video
CaDoran: All the comments are so Irish
floor-pi: Not an excuse but, don’t leave expensive things unsecured and unattended.
zyzzogeton: The second battle of Clontarf was less historic.
BF1shY: Why let him get up? You already had him down and pinned just start beating on him.
manofsea: So, if someone is ridding with two bikes they are most likly a bike thief??
Wojciech_Najsarek: Pretty much never try to steal anything from a live Irishman or Pole.
darkspy13: XPost to /r/bicycling maybe
justin_memer: That had to hurt, looks like a pretty big dude.
Abedeus: On one hand, good for him that he caught the thief, but…
Really? Bike few times more expensive than mine and he just leaves it propped against a wall? I don’t think I’ve ever left my bike without using at last the weakest and fastest to secure chain I have.
msminnamouse: Bike chain??
ryanbobyan217: When you have it coming
Slightlylyons1: And here I was thinking “Fighting Irish” was an unfortunate racial stereotype.
BitAlien: $1 u/tippr
willrodg: Too bad he didn’t have a gun to shoot the thief with.
kittenbananaphone: Not enough kicks to the body when he is down. Other than that good job
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