LordoftheSynth: >he reportedly lived to be 256 years old
At which point he overflowed and was reincarnated into the nearest infant.
themanyfaceasian: Not only that, apparently he was 7ft tall…
toddling_cadaver: Reported by…Li Ching Yuen. So it must be accurate.
erickbaka: Not reportedly, but claimedly 🙂 No-one has been able to establish his birth date. More interesting info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Ching-Yuen
puppiadog: Could you imagine spending 256 years being around people? I’d have killed myself 30 years in.
downshifta: Obviously long life doesn’t guarantee happiness
psychmancer: From before the internet so must be true
taffytaffeta: Are those his nails?!?!?!?!
Whaddaya Say?