“We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.
Lyndon B. Johnson”
Wow that’s a very different, and very 70s, look for him!
I didn’t know he was close friends with John Cena.
Should I get a haircut? Nah, I’ll just die
Lyndon B Johnson showing his Johnson to everyone in the Presidential cabinet
“Being president is like being a jackass in a hailstorm. There’s nothing to do but to stand there and take it.” LBD
Wow, gotta say, Bryan Cranston really *does* look like him.
Conflicted about LBJ. No doubt he lied about Vietnam and ignored all the evidence that the war was unwinnable and cost a lot of lives. But he rammed through domestic legislation promoting equality and civil rights and help for the poor that Kennedy had only talked about and who would probably never have had the political wherewithal to actually get enacted.
Why is LBJ gripping the air?
Wow he actually looks younger here than he did in the 60s. Must be the hair.
He was one of the best politicians of all time. In context that can be a huge negative or a huge positive, but either circumstance it is true about the man. Vietnam was all about politics, and in politics there is rarely ever a simple right/wrong or good/bad answer. Economics, global power struggles and control of geography often do not favor the masses, but are often required by the classes.
He looks kind of handsome, no? I love the hair
Epic flow. Read Robert Caro’s multivolume bio if you want to learn about LBJ. You might have to take year off from work, but it is the definitive portrait. What he did to get the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts through was nothing short of heroic.
LBJ is a cautionary tale about the hubris of trying to have it both ways, and his Presidency became a disturbingly apt metaphor for the personality of the United States as a nation.
In the decade before the Johnson administration, Eisenhower had used his deep personal insight into the military and industrial relationship to deftly manage it through controlled application – e.g., clandestine ops and arm’s-length proxy wars, making the Korean War cease-fire politically tenable.
LBJ was familiar with the politics of the balance, and understood the legislative side very clearly, but he mistook his comparative distance from the pivot point for *perspective* on it. He tried to crudely copy Ike’s bargain by escalating the clandestine side in Vietnam, but he didn’t have the insight needed to keep it under control – or the self-awareness to understand that lack of insight.
That led to a cascade of bad decisions and self-delusions, trying to micro-manage an inherently chaotic situation. With his grand domestic ambitions on the line legislatively, the elements that had been starved for war since the Korean truce saw LBJ coming from miles away.
Only joined Reddit a few days ago
So glad this post is getting so far
I myself am the furthest thing from an LBJ fan, but I found this image historically interesting
The person on the left is William Hobby Jr, who had been inaugurated as Lieutenant Governor of Texas just minutes earlier
He was involved in that war for 8 years and it aged him about 30 mentally and physically. It’s very apparent. Can you imagine trying to sleep with the guilt of everything going on in VN in say 1967? Whether he was responsible or not I’m sure he shouldered a lot of the guilt. That has to tear a man down. LBJ in general was a truly fascinating person….when I first started to study the Vietnam war I just assumed he was a genuine POS that was motivated by kickbacks and defense contracts, but no no there were many many more layers to the man. I think deep down he was probably a good person, just a little used to getting his way (regardless of how) and extremely arrogant. I cite the way the war aged him as proof of this. IMOP if he didn’t give AF it wouldn’t have weighed nearly as heavily on him.
Thought that was Mark Wahlberg for a second.
I liked that he made people watch him poop, and that he would whip his cock out at inopportune times…
A true man of the people:)
This man deadass used to piss on the secret service agents lol.
“We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.
Lyndon B. Johnson”
Wow that’s a very different, and very 70s, look for him!
I didn’t know he was close friends with John Cena.
Should I get a haircut? Nah, I’ll just die
Lyndon B Johnson showing his Johnson to everyone in the Presidential cabinet
“Being president is like being a jackass in a hailstorm. There’s nothing to do but to stand there and take it.” LBD
Wow, gotta say, Bryan Cranston really *does* look like him.
Conflicted about LBJ. No doubt he lied about Vietnam and ignored all the evidence that the war was unwinnable and cost a lot of lives. But he rammed through domestic legislation promoting equality and civil rights and help for the poor that Kennedy had only talked about and who would probably never have had the political wherewithal to actually get enacted.
Why is LBJ gripping the air?
Wow he actually looks younger here than he did in the 60s. Must be the hair.
He was one of the best politicians of all time. In context that can be a huge negative or a huge positive, but either circumstance it is true about the man. Vietnam was all about politics, and in politics there is rarely ever a simple right/wrong or good/bad answer. Economics, global power struggles and control of geography often do not favor the masses, but are often required by the classes.
He looks kind of handsome, no? I love the hair
Epic flow. Read Robert Caro’s multivolume bio if you want to learn about LBJ. You might have to take year off from work, but it is the definitive portrait. What he did to get the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts through was nothing short of heroic.
LBJ is a cautionary tale about the hubris of trying to have it both ways, and his Presidency became a disturbingly apt metaphor for the personality of the United States as a nation.
In the decade before the Johnson administration, Eisenhower had used his deep personal insight into the military and industrial relationship to deftly manage it through controlled application – e.g., clandestine ops and arm’s-length proxy wars, making the Korean War cease-fire politically tenable.
LBJ was familiar with the politics of the balance, and understood the legislative side very clearly, but he mistook his comparative distance from the pivot point for *perspective* on it. He tried to crudely copy Ike’s bargain by escalating the clandestine side in Vietnam, but he didn’t have the insight needed to keep it under control – or the self-awareness to understand that lack of insight.
That led to a cascade of bad decisions and self-delusions, trying to micro-manage an inherently chaotic situation. With his grand domestic ambitions on the line legislatively, the elements that had been starved for war since the Korean truce saw LBJ coming from miles away.
Only joined Reddit a few days ago
So glad this post is getting so far
I myself am the furthest thing from an LBJ fan, but I found this image historically interesting
The person on the left is William Hobby Jr, who had been inaugurated as Lieutenant Governor of Texas just minutes earlier
He was involved in that war for 8 years and it aged him about 30 mentally and physically. It’s very apparent. Can you imagine trying to sleep with the guilt of everything going on in VN in say 1967? Whether he was responsible or not I’m sure he shouldered a lot of the guilt. That has to tear a man down. LBJ in general was a truly fascinating person….when I first started to study the Vietnam war I just assumed he was a genuine POS that was motivated by kickbacks and defense contracts, but no no there were many many more layers to the man. I think deep down he was probably a good person, just a little used to getting his way (regardless of how) and extremely arrogant. I cite the way the war aged him as proof of this. IMOP if he didn’t give AF it wouldn’t have weighed nearly as heavily on him.
Thought that was Mark Wahlberg for a second.
I liked that he made people watch him poop, and that he would whip his cock out at inopportune times…
A true man of the people:)
This man deadass used to piss on the secret service agents lol.