Mafia boss Giuseppe “Joe the Boss” Masseria gunned down inside the Nuova Villa Tammaro restaurant on Coney Island during a game of Poker. Brooklyn, New York. April 15, 1931 [880 x 1130] [NSFW]
Two gunmen, 20 shots fired from .32 and .38 caliber pistols, four of them went right through his back and one in his head. No one was ever arrested and an autopsy revealed he died on an empty stomach. Didn’t even let the man order some food before he was Michael Corleowned.
Photographer definitely put that card there for the shot!
Two gunmen, 20 shots fired from .32 and .38 caliber pistols, four of them went right through his back and one in his head. No one was ever arrested and an autopsy revealed he died on an empty stomach. Didn’t even let the man order some food before he was Michael Corleowned.
Photographer definitely put that card there for the shot!