S*ht That Americans Say
“Conservatives. Conservatives get mad and conservatives don’t change. That’s like their whole deal.”
Liberal says DACA are the same as war veterans. “Trump Supporters either let go of their bigotry and let DACA Veterans stay where they belong or we shut everything down.”
“Yet systematic, institutionalized racism “does not exist” in America.”
“Conservatism has been thoroughly proven to hurt a country’s citizens and gets quickly shut down by reality’s liberal biased facts on this site while the furthest anyone gets for an actual argument for conservatives is ‘kill the poor and kill minorities too.'”
“The last few years of politics has been the Democrats conceding almost everything to Republicans and getting almost nothing for it politically or policy wise.”
“Trump himself has almost no chance of dying a free man, unless he drops dead really quickly after his term. Even if by some miracle he wasn’t involved with the Russia attacks against the 2016 election, he’s got literally decades of pretty stark financial crimes waiting for charges.”
“If Jesus came back he would be labeled as a communist bum and metaphorically crucified.”
[If Jesus returned today] “3 people from Kansas would plot to blow up his house and then fight to get their trial moves to somewhere with more Trump voters.”
“It’s clear that the current party is an enemy of the state. […] Anti-intellectualism, gerrymandering, racism, and half the country votes for a party that straight up tells you to your face ‘f–k you, f–k the poor, and fuck minorities.'”
“Michael Scott genuinely cared for the people who worked under him…and genuinely wanted to create the most happiness for the most people. Trump has never genuinely done anything except maybe roll around in hundred dollar bills while Russian hookers piss on him.”
(on rednecks) “More opioids, less welfare, licenses to breed, etc. Perhaps we can suffocate their class into extinction. Accidental eugenics, we’ll call it. “
“This is the byproduct of letting the redneck voices be heard. …But no, now the idiots have taken over and this is what we get. Hopefully, soon, this will be over and we can resume shoving their faces in shit, where it belongs.”
[In response to the question “Has Trump really done that much damage?”] “Broke up contributing family members by sending people back to their country of origin. The hate he has inspired in this country. Oh yeah, and the treason.”
“There was compromise. The votes were there. Only one side isn’t playing ball. They’re the same side that has refused to compromise for a decade. F–k Republicans and you’re just as bad as they are if you refuse to accept the reality of what is going on.“
Alabama University Expels Racist Girl from NJ “Southern racists keep it hidden from public view.“
“Everyone, please vote blue. Vote progressive and vote blue. It’s the only solution.”
(About someone pointing a pellet gun at SWAT) “You don’t understand that it’s impossible to mistake it as a gun and there was plenty of time for a retard to realize what it was.”
“Ever since Obama, the GOP couldn’t go toe to toe against a Democrat based on intellect. They soon realized that the best way to gain more votes is to literally grow more of their base.”
Pedophilia “Child rape. Murder. He’s already pretty much committed and been exposed for crimes that usually do politicians in, and the GOP is still behind him, covering up for him…”
“Predatory lending doesn’t target minorities /s”
“How the f–k were communists and fascists that purged communists “on the same side?” Do you mean the nonaggression treaty that was signed after Britain and France dragged their feet when the USSR offered to go to war with Germany”
- #TrumpShutdown becomes top trending hashtag worldwide (thehill.com)
- GOP senator amid looming shutdown: Country ‘being run by idiots’ (thehill.com)
- This would be the first real government shutdown under one-party government, ever (vox.com)
- Trump Whines: Shutdown Fight Could Make Me Miss ‘My Party’ (thedailybeast.com)
- 2013 Trump: President responsible for shutdown (cnn.com)
- Everyone wants DACA. No one wants a government shutdown. Yet here we are (qz.com)
- Fox host: You can’t blame Dems for shutdown when “you’re in charge of everything” (shareblue.com)
- U.S. government shutdown spoils Trump’s first-year celebrations (thestar.com)
Running America just like his businesses
Both sides do it, but let’s not kid ourselves about the current spin.
The deep state might literally be the tunnels from Mexico into the US.
I love how Trump denies his affair with Stormy Daniels when there is so many photos of them together
T_D right now
Redcap of the Day, 1/19/18: Judge Jack Robison
The real reason Trump is golfing all the time
- Twitter found more than 50,000 Russia-linked accounts actively sharing election-related material — and Trump interacted with them hundreds of times (businessinsider.com)
- Jeff Sessions’ War on Marijuana Will See Him Face Off in Court Against a 12-Year-Old Girl With Epilepsy(theroot.com)
- Russian networks pushing conservative meme, researchers say (apnews.com)
- ‘I’ll give her a week’ to lose the baby weight, Trump said of Melania, months before alleged tryst with porn star (washingtonpost.com)
- Deutsche Bank Reports Suspicious Activity Related to Jared Kushner’s Accounts (motherjones.com)
- Twitter: 677K+ U.S. Users Engaged With Fake Russian Accounts (thedailybeast.com)
- Is This the Collusion We Were Waiting For? (nytimes.com)
- Why isn’t the Stormy Daniels story a bigger deal? (cnn.com)
- Stormy Daniels Reveals Donald Trump Is a Lot Like Harvey Weinstein (thedailybeast.com)
- Twitter finds over 1,000 new Russian-linked accounts (thehill.com)
- Russia-linked Twitter accounts are working overtime to help Devin Nunes and WikiLeaks(businessinsider.com)
- Right-wing demand to #ReleaseTheMemo endorsed by Russian bots, trolls (nbcnews.com)
- Trump Flubs Abortion Speech: It’s ‘Wrong’ for Babies to Be ‘Born’ in Ninth Month (thedailybeast.com)
Whaddaya Say?