“Some countries are poor but they have almost 0 taxes and have universal health care”
“And if something goes wrong, they somehow will still blame obama” Special needs child still fails to understand market dynamics and regulation.
Fight the Fake News, Eat Tide Pods!
“Because this whole “support the troops” charade is a huge sham. They use soldiers to grandstand and score political points while screwing them out of a fulfilling life. “
“Not everybody in a red cap is a fascist…one wing of the machine that then pumped them full of fascist propaganda”
“South Korea thanking Trump for accelerating peace talks is about the same as France thanking Hitler for showing them who their true friends are.”
“If America is so awesome to them then why the f— are they trying to turn it into Russia.”
“I’m all for it, time to bring violence to the hyper violent White culture of America.”
[About the NRA supposedly colluding with Russia to install a puppet government] “Every day we get closer to the truth. This is the biggest scandal in American history.”
“Capitalism outsources the murder, starvation and destruction to the third world so that you don’t have to worry about it.”
“He (Stephen Miller) and Roy Cohen are low IQ amoral psychopaths. The only way they can move forward in life is by being robots that don’t care about hurting people.”
“CNN isn’t leftist media, it’s just classical liberal AKA conservative media.”
On the issue of foreign aid, I’m always super sceptical when people say “we need to alleviate poverty domestically first”
“Being visibly Jewish in public has started to feel dangerous too” In response to a guy who said being Hispanic has gotten much worse over the last two years.
I’m an extremely hard worker. Everybody knows this. Just take the picture.
Turtle soup
Whaddaya Say?