Trump gets clowned on by Calvin Stowell on Twitter, Cult-45er proceeds to get humiliated
MAGA Quotes
- [About Trump] “He’ll lose in 2018”
- “Most people in the world hate Trump, reality is biased against him”
- “If there’s going to be a revolution, then the first thing that needs to be done is to take Fox news down, burn it to the ground, and if it’s possible, give Murdoch the Gaddafi treatment.”
- “Judges appointed by Trump (including Gorsuch) can and should be impeached. All of these appointments were made by a man working for a hostile foreign nation working to weaken our country and as such their occupants should be considered unknowing accessories at a minimum.”
- “Bush Jr started the Iraq War in his third year. Give Trump time. He very well may cause millions of Americans death out of sheer negligence by taking away health care and making it unaffordable to live, all because of what? Because he’s still sour that people loved Obama? “
- “When you lose you double down, it’s the Trump supporters way!”
- On Rand Paul: “I hope his other neighbor gets a better crack at him this year”
- “Centrists are traitors.”
- “As a black person that sees one party that works to set up racist gerrymandering and voting laws it’s in my best interest to see democrats win. So as long as the “Dougs” of the world keep ignoring that stuff then I can have no solidarity with them.”
- “This is off topic, but with all of these messages of positivity about the new year, I have this observation. If you have a generally positive outlook on life and our future, I assume you are either too lazy to read the news or too stupid to understand it.”
- “The fact the American people voted this buffoon in in the first place… That is something that can’t be undone. It would take decades at a minimum for the rest of the world to even consider trusting the US to not do something so dangerous again.”
- “If Hillary Clinton were named Harold Clinton, we’d have a Democrat in the White House”
- “Two centuries ago, they [conservatives] fought for chattel slavery and child labor…. Last century they [conservatives] fought against desegregation, women’s suffrage, interracial marriage, and civil rights.”
- “I fear that an increasingly uneducated populace will be more likely to turn to Fascism in the future. In fact, there is already a pseudo-Fascism in the USA at this moment, but as you can deduce from my username, I have a fear it may get even worse. Nightmarishly worse, actually.”
- “Jesus preached in helping your fellow man, and taking from the rich to help the poor. If these people actually believed in Jesus, instead of their own ignorant and self centered prejudices masking as faith, we’d all be much better off for it.”
Since this apparently needs to be explained…
“BuT It’s sNOwIng in tHe EaST !!”
Goodbye 2017. Looking forward to 2018.
Donald R Kelly Trump
He even sounds more presidential????????????????
Country First
Big stick or little d—?
Who Are The Real Snowflakes
I’m a hard worker… The hardest worker… Nobody works as hard as me!!! #MakeAmericaGolfAgain
Trump has started 2018 by golfing for a seventh day in a row
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What it’s like trying to address Trump’s appalling actions…
Whaddaya Say?