A street artist is calling Meryl Streep on her bluff.
Posters showing the “The Post” actress standing with disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein have been popping up across Los Angeles, Twitter posts indicate. The artist, who has yet to be identified, placed a red banner with the words, “She knew,” over Streep’s eyes.
I see #SheKnew is up…. pic.twitter.com/ILOSh3LMVe
— Alex W Smith (@AlexSmith1964) December 19, 2017
Posters showing Harvey Weinstein and Meryl Streep with “She knew” written across her eyes have been popping up all over Los Angeles.
The images began appearing around the City of Angels following a Monday statement from the 68-year-old actress in which she claimed Weinstein “made sure” she didn’t know about his perverted antics.
She went on to claim that he used his association to her “to lure young, aspiring women into circumstances where they would be hurt.”
Meryl Streep reveals she’s faced ‘real physical violence’
Women who have accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment and assault
Streep alleged that she issued the statement in response to a since-deleted tweet from Rose McGowan, who accused Weinstein of raping her early in her career.
In the post, McGowan labeled Streep a hypocrite for calling on women to wear black to the Golden Globes to protest sexual misconduct in Hollywood. She pointed out that Streep, and other actresses, “happily worked for the Pig Monster.”
She-Devil (1989)
Maxwyfe: What a world it would be if we treated corrupt politicians the same way we treat corrupt celebrities?
Fumb: #EverybodyKnew.
Sugarblood83: She also believes Polanski should be allowed to be free in the US.
F**k that woman
jipsydude: The whole industry was complacent. It was an open secret that was joked about openly. get over yourselves you f**king self righteous LA f**kwads.
sackajahweeda: Meryl just loves the rapey men..
SWarsW: Just imagine the stuff some of these actresses did to get parts in movies
ak235: No one knew.
Before *L’Affair Weinstein* it was commonly thought that Hollywood was a bastion of moral rectitude, sexual propriety, and fiscal responsibility.
Spooky2000: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNrsV_o0KYo
Doctor_Leo_Marvin: lol sounds like a weinsteinesque oscar-time tactic to poison a rival films chances of getting an award
GaiusHispidus: I really don’t get why they’re singling her out, though.
F_ckyou1234: Any of you assholes who are MARGINALLY intelligent or fluent in sexuality understand this is only the TIP of the iceberg. And anyone who has ever seen www.crazydaysandnights.net/ — would understand he has been doing this forever. Both Gweneth Paltrow and Winina Rider F*CKed him straight up for a part on their own will.
Nuttin_Up: F**k Meril Streep right in her fat ass.
12mZBmBJMy6VnzkJhjXn: Despicable woman.
foodcanner: Interesting post but that website is annoying.
Mozzdog: She’s a goddamn Oscar winner. She wasn’t going to screw that up just because some fly by night actors and actresses got molested by the people who write her checks. An Oscar says you know how to play the game and keep your mouth shut.
Aye_or_Nay: They all knew.
~~Meryl Streep~~ (Edit) horror.
IanPhlegming: She’s a satanist and a child molester, plain and simple.
What’s she going to say when Spielberg gets outed as a pedophile kingpin? That she didn’t know? How much is going on that she doesn’t know?
the_banyan: “Allege” or highlight?
Lsdnyc: more misogyny – blaming one woman, rather than the 1000’s of other people that knew. His entire company, his brother, yup, blame a woman.
victalac: I think that’s why Larry Davis’s good buddy friend in Curb Your Enthusiasm was a carbon copy of Harvey Weinstein. It is an inside Hollywood joke.
astros1337: lul you little trumpf snowflakes are so obsessed with Hollywood.
Stay in school kids, stay in school.
Exploitation of child actors/actresses is nothing new. It’s been going on since at least the 30s. After learning of Shirley Temple’s childhood abuse I decided to make a video exploring the issue.
The depression-era starlet who was the most popular thing in movie theaters for years turns out to have a quite disturbing history of abuse and exploitation. Shirley Temple Black was a victim, born straight from the hellish bowels of degenerate Hollywood California, USA.
dtmbcorp: This video is a discussion between 3 people who recently discovered Shirley Temple’s history of abuse as a child actress. In this video I use news articles and video examples to show that exploitation, a sexual and physical abuse was taking place, at a bare minimum. Based on this and other photographic evidence we speculate about the true nature of her relationship with J. Edgar Hoover and others.
The video is light on speculation, however, and concludes with perspectives on the acceptance and prevelance of this phenomena, as well as how to expose and eliminate this sort of exploitation of children in the future.
I believe this information is also important context for the current scandals, as well as some of the improper contact the Joe Biden and others have with children in public displays.
I really hope that you’ll consider this information. Thanks very much for your time!
Rainbow_Brights_Anus: It is bewildering that the creep-factor level of this historical controversy isn’t resurfacing given the dumpster fire that is the White House, the corporate oligarchy, and of course Hollywood and other institutions beholden to sexual favors.
dtmbcorp: Thanks for downvoting me to 0 within the first minute. Obviously you have the content a real chance in those 30 seconds.
dtmbcorp: It would mean a lot to me to get a subscriber or two. If you were informed by the content, subscribe and I’ll bring you more very soon. The next episode on wealth inequality is being edited now. Thanks again, and do your part to inform others. Make your own video on an important topic and let’s flood YouTube with relevant information to counter all the vapid makeup and gaming content.
break156: When you finally figure it all out. Christ is the only way.
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