layers_of_onions: Lmao. Those hands were movie scene hands! Loud and clear!
SonicsFatBrother: The amount of restraint shown by the bus driver is outstanding.
Christopho377: That flair though
MrNobody95: I can hardly vouch that this is the original source as I doubt that it is, but here’s a
callmeyohn: I enjoy this
GuppyZed: Depending on where this is, spitting on someone is assault.
adc604: Hahaha, that glazed ‘ah shit’ look on his face when he was getting pulled backwards.
Nicely done Mr. Bus Drivah.
ImSorryForWhatISaid: Bill Belichick needs to calm the f down
Mucker_Man: Aw man.. remember the post of that one driver mega upper-cutting that girl. For less than this I remember.
multiplesifl: Wait, was he going to sit down after spitting at the driver? “*Ptooo!* Now take me to the store!”
The_0range_Menace: I can’t get over the way he spit in another man’s face and then thought he’d just walk away from that. I mean, I dunno. Maybe if you’re fucking stacked or something. But this guy? Look at him.
It’s a strong argument against the drink, is what it is.
trevorkill: He has the look on his face that its over. “I got last licks, we can now move on”
Nightman96: Theres a difference between a threat that needs to be taken care of and a punk ass bitch.
QubaHQ: In countries other than USA (and Russia) people generally don’t get shot. There other ways of dealing with a**holes.
fergalopolis: You gon’ jail now
albanianman: Assault against a bus driver in nyc is an automatic felony
OneNutPhil: Kevin Spacey really let himself go.
ClemyNX: People get shot for less than spitting on someone? That’s totally an overreaction.
Noname_Maddox: “Get Shot for less” really? In what civilised world does a prick spitting in your face justify shooting someone?
Handle your confrontations like a man (or woman), like that bus driver did.
rajun274: In the US, could that be construed as assulting a transit worker? Cause that has heavy fines and jail time.
davabran: I attempted to stabilize the video.
legalize: Trashy spitter should be shot.
Typos_Alot: if i ever needed someone tossed out of anything, bar, bus, plane, wedding. This dude is the perfect person to do it.
I_creampied_Jesus: I remember a bus driver asked an guy – who was an obvious junkies but thought no one knew – to stop swearing because of he women with small children on the bus. This was after he had been talking to the driver for fucking aaages (the driver had the patience of a saint).
The driver finally said “that’s it. Get off the bus!”. The guy started swearing even more and getting louder. I could see the two women with prams/strollers visibly cringing, so I shouted out “mate, shut up or get off the bus”. He turned to me and mumbled “I will bash you. Don’t tell me what to do”. I burst out laughing and stood up (inb4 my name is Albert Einstein etc) and said “what are you going to do? Seriously? What *can* you do to me!?”
I’m a pretty big guy and this guy wasn’t a pretty big guy. The driver then got out of his seat and opened the little gate and said to me “do you want to help me throw him off?”. I replied “I’d *love* to”.
Before I could even get to the front of the bus the guy was already walking out the door. He then tried to stand in front of the bus as we went to drive away, but I got the driver to open the doors again and the guy quickly pissed off, and we drove off.
When we got to the destination (only a few more stops to the end of the line) me and thte driver shook each other’s hand and wished each other safe journeys. Was an awesome moment.
Edit: not correcting any of the spelling/grammatical errors but I just wanted to add the story is 100% true (I’m sure that helps…). I was probably more hammered than the guy I ‘kicked off’ (never actually got to touch him, sexually or otherwise) but I wasn’t on h like he was. Anyway, go for it. Try guess what his name was.
Docphilsman: Ireland?
Horsecaulking: I would have hit him with the nearest baby!
helmsee: 3
AngelsHavok: The bus driver is truly a paragon of patience.
m2kzw6: Punching bag.
civicSwag: Did anybody else read this in a German accent?
Motleycruefan73: [This is what the POS is referring too] (
cyrax_wins: Get these hands
dannylopuz: Oh man that’s a strong guy! If I tried to do that the guy wouldn’t have noticed
astraeos118: Bus drivers do not get paid enough for that type of shit.
tardigrade81: Little did he know he would be dealing with Liam Neeson the bus driver.
da_doctori: Momma ain’t raise no bitch
wholesomedumbass: I am the guy wearing the hoodie in the video. AMA.
Yuktobania: Assaulting a bus driver is a felony in most states
radioactivecowz: Lucky for him we don’t have guns in Australia
billyscore: “He steps on the clutch and the toilet goes fluuuush. Hail to the-”
“SHUT UP!!!!!!!”
Buildupnow: No one should get shot. peace.
Whaddaya Say?