Man rapes homeless woman with beer bottle, is convicted to 20 years in prison. Man appeals sentence, new jury gives him life.
Adolf-____-Hitler: *A Tulsa County jury has recommended a life sentence for a man who originally was given a 20-year term for the 2015 rape of a homeless woman who used a wheelchair.*
A homeless woman in a wheelchair… Talk about preying on the most defenseless people you can find.
flyinhyphy: Him: *i immediately regret this decision*
therealdarkcirc: That is fantastic.
DootDotDittyOtt: Ha….let’s hope the same happens with Brock Turner.
thisisnotdan: The crime, according to the article:
>According to [Assistant District Attorney] Elmore, Kelley brought the woman and a man — both homeless — to his apartment in February 2015.
>Kelley started being “sexually aggressive” toward the woman, prompting the man to tell Kelley to calm down, Elmore said. Kelley then beat him into unconsciousness.
>The woman tried to flee, pushing her wheelchair down the stairs, Elmore said. Kelley came after her and committed the rape.
>The woman died after Kelley’s preliminary hearing, so jurors on Wednesday heard from witnesses, health officials and law enforcement. A transcript of the victim’s statements was read aloud.
rip_babydash: He got what he deserved??
roofied_elephant: Good.
He gets sentenced today. Hopefully they put him away for good.
AbraKadoobra: Had a similar situation happen this summer while interning. A defendant was facing multiple child rape charges after repeatedly raping and impregnating his girlfriend’s 11 year old daughter (and forcing her to get an abortion).
The state offered him a deal where he’d get 20 years if he plead guilty. The guy was so cocky he rejected it. In the trial, the jury found him guilty on all charges, and the judge sentenced him to 80 years. He will probably live the rest of his life behind bars. Karma is a bitch.
FlyingRobin: Damn this was the worst time for him to get an appeal for a rape charge
nic1010: Justice served cold. Like a beer bottle freshly pulled out of the fridge.
Gnarledhalo: Foreshadowing for, Broc?
deathtocontrollers: How about doing the same thing to all the scum who prey on the homeless?
Mrbestapps: Emm life over that?
The justice system is really random.
Not saying that what he did was right, it’s terrible. But people get 5 years for murder with a good lawyer.
jamacp: Thought this was Kevin Spacey from the thumbnail
badgeringthewitness: Justice appears to have been done here but I think the author of this article should use a slightly less gleeful photo for these kind of stories.
GetOffMyLawn_: LOL
MaiqKnowsMuch: I agree with the new sentence. One thing in the article that confused me was the report that the judge wanted less time – 10 years – because one of his previous convictions was in Kansas. So did the jury just completely ignore the judge’s recommendations or have a read this article wrong?
keyonte0: This guy is a piece of shit, but the idea that an appeal can lead to your sentence being extended is genuinely terrifying to me.
Nokia_Bricks: I’m surprised it is possible to get a harsher sentence after an appeal. It seems like that shouldn’t be possible.
She died. F*** this guy. He should be executed.
TULSA, Oklahoma – We told you recently about a man named Daniel Kelley sentenced to 20 years in prison for rape,
but we hadn’t been able to tell the victim’s story because she died before Kelley’s trial.
Now we sit down with the victim’s mother for the rest of the story.
Kelley reportedly told Jennifer after he raped her, “my name is Daniel Bryan Kelley. I want you to remember it, but it won’t do you any good because no one will believe you and I just destroyed the evidence.”
10/30/2015 New Special Victims Unit A Success, Tulsa DA’s Office Says
When Jennifer was 17, she was hit by a drunk driver. It caused seizures and eventually put her in a wheelchair.
But her saving grace, the love of her life, was her son Andrew. He was born with a heart defect and had his first open heart surgery at 4 days old. He spent his first year in a hospital and ended up having a heart transplant.
“In the hospital, she took the day shift because that’s when all the procedures were and doctors came in and I took nights,” Jennifer’s mother Pam Ferris said.
But at 4 years old, Andrew couldn’t fight any longer. His death sent Jennifer’s life into a tailspin.
“Everything happened that one month,” Pam said. “She was going through a divorce. Her son died, lost a job, lost the apartment, lost the car.”
Homeless, Jennifer started drinking. And in February, a man she didn’t know invited Jennifer and a friend to his home. Jennifer said the more that man drank, the meaner he got. He beat her friend unconscious, then he turned on her and raped her, she said.
Jennifer wheeled her chair a mile and a half to a McDonalds to call 911 and wrote Daniel Kelley’s name on her hand.
The New Special Victims unit in the Tulsa County District Attorney’s office believed Jennifer and prosecuted Kelley.
Pam said they treated Jennifer with such respect and compassion, it helped her turn her life around.
“If they can believe in me and my mom believes in me, I can do this,” Pam said Jennifer thought.
She testified against Kelley at a preliminary hearing, but health issues took her life before his trial.
Her testimony was read into the record and the jury convicted him.
Even though Jennifer didn’t get to see the justice, her mother said the prosecutors and victim advocates gave Jennifer something even better.
They gave back her self-respect and hope for a better life.
drcl: In this thread: People who do not understand how the justice system works.
newmacbookpro: Good. I don’t see somebody this heartless being rehabilitated to participate in our society.
giveitago: Okay guys, shut down the sub. We’re done.
KieranD9503: Whoopsys
EverySingleRedditor: Why do people rape others with inanimate objects?
IWuvMufins: Imagine that the accusations are false.
Mdcastle: Worth noting that Tulsa County, Oklahoma is not a good place to comit a rape. Darron Bennalford Anderson and Allan Wayne McLaurin got 11,250 years and 20,750 years for a rape in Tulsa County. Anderson originally got 2250 years but he appealed, and as a resutl got 11,750 years, which was reduced to 11,250 years on a second appeal.
sub1ime: Any bets on suicide in prison?
zombiemakemelol: I know the “eye for an eye” type of justice doesn’t prevent crime and definitely doesn’t rehabilitate offenders. But the idea of it makes me feel better. God damn, this guy needs to get his legs broken then sodomized with a bottle.
ballslaw: Beat this guys skull in
dopejets: Unfortunately there are no glass bottles in jail. Guess he will just have to settle due something a little more fleshy.
reTired_death_eater: Heads up Brock turner
AxalonNemesis: The system sometimes works.
[deleted]: [removed]
just_zhis_guy: Nobody show this to that Brock kid who’s appealing his sentence for raping that girl…
morningreis: Appealing that sentence is definitely Insanity Wolf material
tylrbndyciv: Gg no re
D_S876: *I have made a huge mistake*
tedkennedysnavellint: Appeals second time, gets death penalty.
cjgthebeast: “Hey is there any way we can rework the time i need to serve a little”
“Yeah you’re right it wasn’t completely fair, life it is”
theLV2: Well I’m glad he chose to appeal.
GUMP-A-TRON: *I’ve got the worst f**king attorneys…*
AntiSalty: *curb your enthusiasm music starts*
CRISPR: >The woman tried to flee, pushing her wheelchair down the stairs
Wheelchair? Wheelchair?? Do state a favor and save taxpayers a lot of money by executing him tomorrow.
TheInternetsDarkside: Man, you got to love Tulsa. Its a rape or murder every other day!
Taizette: Now he Gunn’s get raped with the real thing ?
k9whoop: I know one of the victims personally (we dated).
F*** this piece of shit. She’s forever changed because of this. He’s obsessed with this bottle shit. Hopefully he rots quick.
Florida man gets 3 life sentences, plus 495 years for raping his 3-year-old son
weisblattsnut: If he is truly guilty, there is no reason to allow him to live. Prison justice will prevail. Evil creatures like this need to be removed from the planet.
KDB958: Death is too good for him, let him suffer.
Shadowstein: what kind of f**ked up childhood makes someone turned on by babies?
SummonWurm: What’s your defense if you are his public defender?
tmThEMaN: Is it bad to wish this rapist gets raped in prison!
_Finland_: Take him out back and shoot him. He is a monster and deserves to be treated like one
Whaddaya Say?