Police Fatally Shoot Suspect After Dragging Cop By The Leg
Vtec01: First officer had patience of a Saint
JakJakAttacks: This is why body cameras are so important. There’s no doubt what these cops did was justified. It protects them as well as us.
jay_bro: To clarify for my own sake, I believe the justice served was a needlessly aggressive man being shot for creating an unwarrented dangerous situation. It is unfortunate though that his actions brought upon an unnecessary death.
The_ginger_cow: “Step back for who? For you?”
crispy48867: Well, I have been very critical of some of the cop shootings we see and I believe I have always been fair and also correct.
Today I watched as this moron attacked a cop who certainly should have had some fear for his life and he gave the guy every possible opportunity to live. If anything, he gave too much.
Second cop was also extremely generous. These are the kind of police we need in this country. The only fault I can find is that they didn’t shoot sooner. I am sorry for those who are or were his family but I can not see how these officers had any other choice. Sorry your work day turned so shitty guys and thank you, sincerely, for the work you do and how you do it. Professional policing at it’s finest right there….
vegidio: Great work done by those cops.
While there are some cops out there that don’t think too much before shooting a suspects without a good reason (especially if the suspect is black), there are tons of others that will only use their gun if they are really in danger and I’m happy there cases like this to highlights that there are very good cops out there.
The first cop had all the right the shoot the guy as soon as he attacked him for the first time, but he didn’t.
The believe the suspect was doing what is called “suicide by police”. In other words, he wanted to die, and was forcing to cops to do his dirty work.
PS: It’s also great to see that they were wearing cameras. This should be mandatory everywhere.
“Why didn’t they shoot him in the leg?”
“Do cops not get hand to hand combat training?”
TheJucheisLoose: Literally could not have done anything more. Even the backup did not immediately shoot the guy (which he would’ve been justified in doing seeing another officer in distress). Just a bad situation, because the guy who got shot was obviously not mentally right, but nothing more could have been done.31
loganlogwood: If that guy had a knife, that cop would be fighting for his life right now. Amazing restraint of that first police officer.
callmegecko: I have an autistic brother. That guy must have been on the spectrum. When my brother is upset he will latch on to things, and not respond to anything anyone says if it means he won’t get exactly what he wants. When he’s upset his brain kinda shuts off and he acts just like this. Coupled with the fact that this guy had incredible pain tolerance and he fought really awkwardly, that’s how it appears to me anyway
Cj15917: Cop shoot an unarmed black man, riots are on Tuesday.
buddboy: hero cop tried his hardest to save that man’s life A++
DumbassJ: What an idiot!
mouthpanties: Yep, that guy needed to be shot.
domvero2011: The Base Jiu-Jitsu, Vancouver, Washington—tuition is half-price for law-enforcement officials. If you’re a cop, sheriff or work in corrections in a hands-on capacity, I’m *begging* you—take some damn ground fighting technique classes. Most gyms offer half off to law-enforcement. It saves lives.
VauxhallDigester: Makes a change
plantlover26: I don’t think they needed to shoot to kill him. Something was clearly wrong with him and he needed to be in jail but 2 officers with pepper spray, Batons and tasers should be able to take down one unarmed man.
eriF-: so i understand why he shot him but i can’t help but ask why the fuck these “physically fit, qualified, and trained” police officers can’t deal with someone without shooting them, he obviously missed his taser shot, so when having a non lethal detaining weapon fails, you can’t do anything but get bitch slapped by this guy and pulled around like a fucking dog? where’s this guys back up? where’s this guys mace and baton? where’s this guys fighting training? the only reason he was “calm” is because he was geri g his ass beat for some fucking reason. there’s other ways to take down people than shooting them with a taser or pistol. i’ve seen it tons of times.
this video is embarrassing to what our police force is right now. god damn embarrassing.
scabies89: Bein a cop sux
iStareAtButtholes: [Jean Pedro Pierre’s family says deputy didn’t need to kill him.](https://www.local10.com/video/jean-pedro-pierres-family-says-deputy-didnt-need-to-kill-him) What? Really?
Also, [another video from another angle](http://mtonews.com/video-unarmed-haitian-man-shot-killed-police-victim-just-defending-aggressive-police-murder/) taken by an Africa American gentleman, agreeing that the cop gave the guy multiple chances to stand down.
detroitr: Lots of people think a cop should be looking down the barrel of a gun before they can use deadly force. Not me. Risk of serious bodily injury qualifies and if this overgrown moron wanted to he could easily smash the cop on the ground in the face and really fuck him up. It was justified.
fartinsparten: At about 1:40 a police vehicle drives by in the immediate background. Police backup doesn’t enter the video for almost 25 seconds later… We’re they getting their parking validated??? Why not pull in right there and assist immediately?
HillBillyBobBill: Play stupid games with stupid prizes.
AmuelSadam: Welcome to America motherfucker. Have a little respect
thewoodenelf1: If they originally had two cops when he approached the door i think the situation would be completely different. Two of them could of restrained him with the use of a tazer
toastebagell1: With two “grown” men they did not need to shoot him. Clearly the man has some issues. But why not let him get help for them instead of killing him. If two grown men that call them selves protectors of the law can’t detain a man.. they probably shouldn’t be cops.
The_ginger_cow: Justified? Sure. Neccasery? Definitely not
sanriver12: in my country a cop can’t just shoot someone down like that if they are not armed, they would have to subdue him physically. i guess in my country cops aren’t pussy cowards and know what they signed up for.
Waffle_squid: First guy should’ve just shot him as he advanced toward him
jesuriah: No threat of lethal force means use of lethal force isn’t justified. It’s not a hard concept people.
Metro42014: Do police not get hand to hand combat training?
The guy didn’t have any weapon that I could tell, and he didn’t look particularly well trained — he was kind of flailing.
I just hate every time an officer kills a person, justified or not, because while justified, it doesn’t feel like justice to me.
Justice is having your day in court.
Whaddaya Say?