_JonJon_: It’s normal procedure to run the license and plates, even when they let you off with a warning. Looks like this idiot assumed he was getting a ticket when the cop went to check his license and got needlessly angry and belligerent. And still, this patient cop gave him another chance to walk home. Idiot.
thefranster: While I think the officer demonstrated patience and compassion, I don’t think I letting him walk home would prevent him from driving drunk again. Drunk drivers kill innocent people and there should be no exceptions to their arrest and record.
iheartbaconsalt: Priceless!
FORMICA12345: This dude’s stupid mouth may have saved a life that night.
kootenayguy: That was satisfying.
Cormierx420: I need some water!
TheDocmoose: Ha ha what a dumbass… reminds me of a friend of mine unfortunately ?
Flabbergasted122: This is one of my favorite videos of all time.
roogoff: I could tell he was drunk from the first words that came out of his mouth, I don’t know why that cop took so long to notice.
TooHardToChoosePG: He should just be glad he’s white.
1. He was getting a warning, and no ticket
2. His mouthiness only got him arrested, and not shot
x_otikoruk_x: Ancient.
Moreso than the ancients themselves
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