>In true Las Vegas style, the city capitalized on the atomic spectacle. The Chamber of Commerce printed up calendars advertising detonation times and the best spots for watching. Casinos like Binion’s Horseshoe and the Desert Inn flaunted their north-facing vistas, offering special “atomic cocktails” and “Dawn Bomb Parties,” where crowds danced and quaffed until a flash lit the sky. Women decked out as mushroom clouds vied for the “Miss Atomic Energy” crown at the Sands. “The best thing to happen to Vegas was the Atomic Bomb,” one gambling magnate declared.
>Not only was the sky illuminated, but in Hawaii alone 300 street lights failed, TV and radios malfunctioned, burglar alarms went off, and several power lines fused. In low Earth orbit 3 satellites were immediately disabled, and some artificial radiation bands were created that eventually disabled 1/3 of the low orbit satellites in orbit.
Great photo, but I’m skeptical that it is an atomic mushroom cloud. Source?
[Atomic Tests Were a Tourist Draw](https://www.citylab.com/equity/2014/08/atomic-tests-were-a-tourist-draw-in-1950s-las-vegas/375802/)
>In true Las Vegas style, the city capitalized on the atomic spectacle. The Chamber of Commerce printed up calendars advertising detonation times and the best spots for watching. Casinos like Binion’s Horseshoe and the Desert Inn flaunted their north-facing vistas, offering special “atomic cocktails” and “Dawn Bomb Parties,” where crowds danced and quaffed until a flash lit the sky. Women decked out as mushroom clouds vied for the “Miss Atomic Energy” crown at the Sands. “The best thing to happen to Vegas was the Atomic Bomb,” one gambling magnate declared.
Not as spectacular as the Hawaiian “[Rainbow Bomb](https://www.damninteresting.com/nugget/starfish-prime/)” Parties. Then again:
>Not only was the sky illuminated, but in Hawaii alone 300 street lights failed, TV and radios malfunctioned, burglar alarms went off, and several power lines fused. In low Earth orbit 3 satellites were immediately disabled, and some artificial radiation bands were created that eventually disabled 1/3 of the low orbit satellites in orbit.
[Starfish Prime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Prime) — Accept no substitutes!