XxraptorX: Good dog
m2kzw6: Apparently unaware that dogs really don’t like to be f–ked with.
selfsearched: I think the last time this posted it was pointed out to be a training routine. You can see the guy stand calmly and put out his forearm after doggo gets loose.
Smacky_Da_Frog: Another Nev-R-Break dog collar I see. That’s how Santa’s Little Helper got loose.
wetback: Not so brave now.
spicedmice: This has been posted many times and has been explained many times. He wasn’t antagonizing the dog purposefully. It was a guard dog in training
4GotMyFathersFace: This made me very happy, anyone have a source?
no1113: I’d love to see this vid continue. Anyone got the video to see what else happens?
SbrbnHstlr: This gets reposted all the time, and every time the comments get way out of hand.
The man who has his arm bit is a dog trainer. There is a bite sleeve under his arm to protect his soft skin.
This is purely a training excercise in Schutzhund.
dashingfool: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…
Shinger81: Human trash
RedwSmoke: Someone call animal control on that dick head
unknownpoltroon: I honestly think the dog is playing with him.
ghiewsl: As soon as the dog bites it’s tail starts to wag
MrClean75: Not that I ever would but the last kind of dog I would want to fuck with is a Belgian Malinois.
Dopecombatweasel: ass hat
libcrybaby78: I love the moment where the dog is free and looks at the kid like “alright bitch now whassup”
OwenEngine942: Nice repost dude! Interestingly enough, he’s not actually being an asshole, it’s a training exercise. Hence the guy sticking his sleeve out for the dog to bite onto.
gram2017: Schutzhund or protection training attempt….
renoCow: That video is a miniature, less horrifying version of the events of Christmas Day 2008 at the San Francisco Zoo when Tatiana jumped out of her enclosure to hunt and kill 3 teenage boys who were taunting her. The 911 operator initially refused to send the SF police because the operator couldn’t believe that a tiger was capable of jumping out of a modern zoo enclosure. Only 2 of the boys survived.
benderlicious54: People who fuck with and tease animals are a different kind of scum. Too bad he didn’t slip, split his skull, then Fido coulda had a nice little meal.
Blitzdrive: The guy has a bite sleeve ya fools, this is bite bite training.
rhgla: Next, OP for being the asshat that tied up their dog outside in the snow.
shroomigator: My dog heard me laughing, came over to see, and now she can’t stop watching 😀
koopey: How is that justice served? Dog is gonna die now. Also I tease my dog all the time. I don’t get what the big deal is. It’s not like the dog was hurt.
lysergicmx: Hope he got bit on the groin
Wardaddy76: I don’t think so. He didn’t let that dog off the leash. The dog let himself out. I also couldn’t point out a sleeve,other than the hoodie sleeve. Finally, it appears the person yells , in pain I presume, at end of clip.
Whaddaya Say?