GreenYellowBag: Is Paul wearing shoes there?
Xterra50: I see this and I wish I could see the pictures taken by the girls in the photo as well as any details any conversations they had.
Emu_or_Aardvark: [And people still doing it today](…well not today, snow in London keeping the tourists in. Check this in the summer, every 2 minutes a group is crossing and taking their picture.
(This is looking in the other direction. On the right is Abbey Road Studios, Where Dark Side Of The Moon was also recorded. The big gate post bottom right has some John Lennon graffiti carved into it you can see in daylight.)
supraspinatus: When the album released, people thought that the no shoes on McCartney meant that he was deeeeeeaaaaaaaadddddddd.
whitters414: Is that guy behind them…taking their picture with an iPhone?!
Whaddaya Say?