The U.S. has more climate skeptics than anywhere else on earth. Blame the GOP. | fossil fuel industry players, like Charles D. and David H. Koch, funded a powerful campaign to scare Republican lawmakers away from supporting climate-change legislation.
Blake_Cobalt: By using the term “climate skeptic” you are excusing their ignorance. It is not a matter of opinion when the vast weight of science is behind a concept. It’s like saying “gravity skeptic” or “electricity skeptic”. What they are is uneducated and ignorant and don’t understand the science.
subtlepoolcues: It’s certainly not a revelation, but every time I read these articles I’m shocked by the audacity and lack of basic human decency that these people have
Hypersapien: Don’t call them “climate skeptics”. Skepticism is a good tool that everyone should be using. Skeptics critically analyze evidence and come to rational conclusions.
Climate skeptics *accept* the reality of anthrogenetic climate change.
What these people are, are climate change *deniers*.
Coder28: Its So good to know that are government is run by money hungry companies.
Jwk6226: Replace “climate” with “god” and “science” with “religion” and “scientist” with “priest”…you have virtually the same argument!
DrHenryPym: A majority of the research that supports global warming is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. This so-called “green” movement is literally being exploited by modern robber barons, i.e. globalists, to create a global tax. Who or what is going to enforce a global tax? NWO?
The science is still under debate, but the financial situation looks very suspicious to Republicans.
Funny how the mainstream media controlled by globalists don’t talk about that part of the argument.
The EPA is rewriting the most important number in climate economics. “The fossil-fuel flunkeys in the Trump administration are always trying to maximise the fossil-fuel industry’s advantage
Another Keystone oil spill, another obvious reason to fund the EPA
What EPA chief Scott Pruitt promised — and what he’s done. Pruitt has rolled back or stalled environmental protections, given the fossil fuel and chemistry industries more sway over public health decisions and taken steps that critics fear will undermine work on pollution cleanups
Keystone XL is still the wrong project for a world facing global warming. Kill it and be done
NatakuNox: The main pipeline spills hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil on practicality the eve before the expansion is to be built! Some how in sure the company is under stating the amount the pipeline really leaked because they need the green light to complete the expansion. We don’t need fossil fuels anymore! We just are holding on to them so a few people can make money and drive oversized vehicles.
WV abdicates responsibility in pipeline question | Gov. Justice’s DEP has ducked its responsibility. They just threw the rules away, and gave away the people’s authority in the bargain.
Censoring Climate Change | By altering and removing climate websites built over years and paid for by tax dollars, the Trump administration is actively working to muddy the overwhelming scientific consensus that human activity drives climate change.
My freedom is on the line to fight climate change, more will follow
A Democratic approach to energy: promote the interests of citizens, not industry
I shut down an oil pipeline – because climate change is a ticking bomb
APDSmith: So the author has decided that out of all 300 million people in the US the five of them are qualified to take unilateral action.
Does the author provide guidance as to what other laws are fine to break if one is upset enough or is this a case of picking sides rather than principles?
Edit: I suspect I’m being too harsh. If it is actually a principled stand, as it appears to be, with author prepared to bear the legal consequences for their actions then, while I disagree, I respect their adherence to their principles.
Whaddaya Say?