MrMcSpanky94: I’m totally going to be that old man that just hates kids
Flig_Unbroken: What exactly was his intent, smash two half gallon containers on the floor?
What an odd person.
PsychopathProbably: In a way, this is sort of all-around awesome.
Minimal damage done to the store. They lose out on 2 jugs of milk, assuming they didn’t make the idiot pay for it. Some poor guy had to cleanup on aisle 4 but that was a 5-minute mop job, no big deal, really.
Meanwhile the asshole broke his jaw, meaning significant pain and a fairly long recovery period, but will likely return to 100% health with no lingering effects, and learning a very important lesson in life that being a fucking retard comes with a hefty price.
Better he learned it this way than smashing a car into a family on the interstate, for example.
Voltaire99: Hopefully he broke some teeth.
Terence_McKenna: Looking at a grand per tooth if he’s lucky.
OrsoMalleus: At least the employee mopping up this kid’s bullshit has the satisfaction of knowing the guy that did it got hit in the face.
Jumbo_Cactaur: Gets better each time.
He thought he broke his jaw
fromthecrypt8: This is the epitome of justice served.
NotYourMomsMeatLoaf: Wait, I thought the milk jug thing was done with?
gtroman1: “Do not attempt” it says.
Stormdancer: Self-served justice.
iceardor: At least his jaw broke his fall. /s
kwag91: What do you call this dance move?
UnitysBlueTits: He deserved it
artifaxiom: [As a child]
esmith1484: It looks like he jumps, no?
Electromass: Do not attempt?
Herrowgayboi: Glad this little shit head finally got bitten by karma.
jessejamesbond: 0.2 second karma
ShaGayGay: “I think I broke me jaw” in Australian accent
Dank_Meems: I read somewhere when this was a popular prank, that this kid broke his jaw from this. Probably not true, but I hope it is.
rckchlkjyhwk: Makes me happy knowing he broke his jaw.
TexanMcDaniel: “Me jaw… I broke me jaw”
nazispaceinvader: Eat floor – high fiber
dab_machine: Think he needs to drink that milk his teeth with need the calcium
Weremetalwolf: I don’t understand. What was he trying to accomplish?
olionajudah: oh my god I love when he smashes his stupid face so much.
I generally like people and wish them well.
Sociopaths are excepted.
Hope he permanently fucked up his face.
OmniCapp: This sh*t just looks like it HURT.
SomeoneNamedTom: Does he actually hit his face? I thought the intention of this prank was to *look* like you got hurt so they don’t get mad about the mess.
chassisgator: The 2% just took 2 teeth
JackJPollock: He appears to ‘slip’ mid-air. It doesn’t even look like his feet are on the ground when the milk is spilling and he starts spinning around before his feet could slip on the milk. Staged? Or failed 360 douchbaggery?
BooRadley3370: This could also live in bettereveryloop. What a prick.
Bufey: Damn he’ll be needing some milk after that one.
XxDragonking12: The way he slides up is entertaining
f102: Normally I hate serial reposts, but I’m good with this one every week.
Whaddaya Say?