Osama Bin Laden, 1993
babaroga73: And behind him is a Asphalt Finisher (or however you call it in English), and how convenient was that his family is one of the largest construction companies ?
mallardcove: You mean Tim Osman
mudwaspyArea: Not a conspiracy, we’re just a dying imperialist empire with no loyalty, foresight, empathy or wisdom when it comes to warfare
facereplacer3: Whenever Osama comes up, I like to share this clip of Don Rumsfeld lying his ass off about the “caves” Al Qaeda “had.”
None of these ever existed. This was a complete lie. TPTB hate us and think we’re stupid.
The-Straight-Story: And?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Osama was useful to the US until he wasn’t (and even then he was still useful to us in a different way).
I was alive and a teen/young adult during the Afghan war (in my 50’s) and it was all about us vs them (Soviets). Osama was our guy until he woke up to how he was being used (and let us not forget how the soviets used the Afghan government and helped in an overthrow there, etc).
Is it any wonder people in that part of the world hate both us and the Russians?
Now, I find all of this rather funny in a way: You see, when progressives brought up all this sh*t after 9/11 people on the right defended Bush/et al and said progressives were weak, unpatriotic, etc and did all they could to defend their man.
Frogman9: “One countries terrorist is another’s freedom fighter” -who knows
-Michael Scott
Undercover_Dinosaur: Crazy to think this is closer to 9/11 than we are today.
fentanyloverdose: The Patsy
Universe-Deception: I made a video about countries that resists the new world order agenda, so called the world bank ran by Jews. I said it in the video but I’ll briefly say it here. The countries that resist the world bank/new world order are called hostile and terrorist when in fact they are fighting for freedom against the world power. The problems are brought to them so they will eventually have to accept the world bank. yes they are involve in criminal activities but that’s because legal works are forbidden by elite since they are refusing the world bank. Terrorist are not terrorist, they fight for freedom
supervillain66: Zooming in on that pic he had the hands of Learch from Addams Family? And he’s saying in the story the Americans DID NOT help him? Where did he get the weapons a 3D printer? Friggin ingrate!
Donald Rumsfeld keeps a mounted piece of twisted metal from one of the aircraft which hit the twin towers, as a “wonderful reminder”.
Chemsmith: It’s common for serial killers or mass murderers to be interested in the memorabilia related to their crimes. I assume it is no different for him.
DownSyn: looks liike he mentions it in this memoir: http://library.rumsfeld.com/doclib/sp/4500/The%20Agony%20of%20Surprise.pdf
couldn’t find a pic though
9/11 WTC Towers Had Power Turned Off For 36 Hours the Weekend Before the Attack – Security Systems disabled, unknown “workers” everywhere.
NinjaSupplyCompany: Can anyone find eyewitnesses or photos to back up this claim of the towers being powered down? With the millions of tourist photos taken in and around the city there us to be one of the towers dark.
allnamestakenffs: This was debunked last year i believe, people that work there stated this was untrue and were in the building in this timeframe with no such restrictions.
TheMacPhisto: Yes, there was a massive plot so involved the week prior that it took thousands of workers and coordination to pull it off. And you would think that at some point in the last 16 years, one of them would have spilled the beans, wrote a book or confessed on their deathbed. Oh wait, none of that has happened.
Rearden_Plastic: Workers?? In a building??
euphonious_munk: Guy suddenly remembered this 16 years later, ay? And the power was off. So “they” were wiring the building to explode, in the dark? Get f**ked.
Rdubdanger: “Power down” does not neccessarily mean total power outage. They could have powered down or disabled certain systems for “repair”.
In reality the ” workers” would need the elevators and such to work. Even legit workers.
grooljuice: If have any of you have worked in a high rise you would know they’re constantly testing the power systems, sprinkler systems and host of other things on a daily/weekly basis.
Dumb f**ks.
isyad: And? It’s hard to set demo charges with the security system on…
MrHand1111: How did the two planes find and hit the building parked with the supposed explosives and why didn’t they just blow them up without planes if thats what happened.
If the explosives were placed at the bottom , why did they pancake from the top down? The real cover up was to take the blame from Saudi Muslims and shirt it to either our government to the Jews.
ScottSecules: All 9/11 theories that focus on the what and how and not the WHO are just there to muddy the waters. The focus should always be on the money surrounding the event.
A masterful disinfo campaign was undertaken after 9/11 that completely derailed any attempt at finding out the truth. The Towers fell, we all know that. Things shifted massively after that towards a society that just isn’t as free or as private as it was before. These are facts. Arguing about the details of exactly how the buildings came down does nothing.
Power changed hands that day whether or not it was planes, space lasers, holographic aliens, bombs, HARP or remote atomic fart blasts from Cheney’s bowels.
rePAN6517: And zero of these workers have come forward saying that they were up to anything nefarious.
Sentient_Atom: I see this over and over but never any conclusive evidence, is there any?
Water_Sip: Wether or not that’s true, there were definitely sketchy pricks with WTC security clearance living on the 91st floor for many months prior. http://www.markdotzler.com/Mark_Dotzler/WTC_Artists.html
HeffalumpInDaRoom: Not to mention George Bush’s brother owned the security company for the towers, and removed bomb dogs the week before as well. Isn’t that a coincidence?
TheMacPhisto: Just so everyone here understands why this is total bullsh*t:
You can’t “turn off” the power to one of those towers. It’s not like your house where you go into the basement and flip the mains breaker, no sir.
Those towers used so much power that they were connected straight to the grid. The only way power gets cut to the towers is if the whole grid that it’s within gets cut off, by the power company. Which, in Manhattan, would be a block or two radius. Those buildings used as much power as a small city. There’s no way to simply “turn off” the power with out MAJOR F**KING ISSUES or ANYONE NOTICING.
bwatters: Jet fuel does not melt steel beams.
another_busted_robot: My roomate’s girlfriend’s brother’s coworker said he heard from a guy that worked at a Starbucks a couple blocks away from the twin towers a few weeks before 9/11 that this is totally true.
lonely_monkey: Justification:
• Middle east war = $
• Increase domestic and foreign spying as form of social control
• Destruction of sensitive documents/data
• Confidence test to see how gullible the public would be. It’s all about money and power.
> The collapse made the old 7 World Trade Center the first tall building known to have collapsed primarily due to uncontrolled fires,[7] and the only steel skyscraper in the world to have collapsed due to fire.[8]
Apart from that, you don’t need a degree in structural engeneering to observe the uniform collapse of all three buildings were controlled demolitions.
BewareTheAlgorithm: This will go down in history as the biggest false flag event ever 9/11 was most definitely an inside job
Xacto01: Maybe this means good advice for anyone who lives in a real building. If there are strange workers doing things with the power off for a week, take a mini vacation 🙂
Severedinception: Actually read about this in an old porno mag, may have been Hustler. They did an interview with someone who worked at the WWC and he said stated these same things.
seyuelberahs: But why were **no** unknown “workers” been spoted at WTC 7? Did they not plant any devices there, prior to the attack?
astraightwhiteman: Weren’t they running a drill on the very day it happened. same thing that happened in london on the subway the day that got attacked too. weird, innit.
The problem with 9/11 conspiracies is you guys make it too big – the only conspiracy was with one or two people turning a blind eye to the attackers get on the planes or maybe those involved with their pilot training, that kind of thing. all it takes is one or two.
no_thanks_to_you: Lie.
mjmandi72: They were doing work in the plumbing. My uncle was a plumber in there the day before.
ABigFart: When you clean electrical vaults you have to turn the power off. As well if the main high voltage room is being re and re’d then it is totally possible that the entire tower would be out. But Theres no proof so who cares.
JackieLongblunt: Stooooop
Tashizzlet: Listening to the local radio station the other day and the host was saying “all these conspiracy theorists with their crazy claims” he went on to list some super outrageous ones then he finished with “and 9/11 was an inside job!”. Sarcastically.
I do not understand how people can be so oblivious and so brainwashed to the truth, so many years after, while all of this evidence is clearly there. Blows my goddamn mind and makes me lose faith in humanity.. it made me extra mad because 100’s of thousands of people listen to that station.
renaissauced: 16 YEARS LATER *spongebob voice
worktheshoot: Those dang Israeli art students
janisstukas: [Scott Forbes, who was a senior database administrator for Fiduciary Trust, located on the 97th floor of the South Tower received a remarkable notice three weeks before the 9/11 attacks. The Port Authority of New York informed his company that there would be a “power down” on the weekend of Sept. 8 and 9, 2001. This would mean that all power would be off in the top half of the south tower for most of the weekend.
Forbes has called this unprecedented, because to have a data centre lose power for two days requires major preparations and disruption. He reports that as part of the power down, all security cameras and security door locks were non-operational for about 36 hours.
“Remember there were no security locks on doors or security cameras, so access was free unless a door was locked by a manual key. Seeing so many ‘strangers’ who didn’t work at the WTC was unusual,” Forbes said.
The work was claimed to be part of an upgrade to the Internet service in the building. No one has explained why this work required a complete cutting of electricity.]
trandana: Firefighters reported bombs going off in the lobby of the twin towers, which killed and injured many emergency responders. These bombs went off long before the towers even began to fall.
A study also showed that WTC 7 was not brought down by fire alone.
General Wesley Clark asked 12 years later about “7 countries in 5 years” war plan he revealed immediately after 9/11, which he saw in a classified memo from the Secretary of Defense Office
fadedmouse: How was he asked in 2023? Does he have a f**king time machine?
dammitjenkins20cars: Wearechange…. More Zionist shill controlled opposition
Joe Rogan attempts to debunk 9/11 conspiracy claims
DarthStem: Joe used to be pretty woke. Wonder what made him start shilling for TPTB?
This f**king quote @ 5m26s:
> So they’re trying to actually explain something which doesn’t really need explaining because the explanation has been done by NIST already.
GFYs Joe Rogan & Co.
astralrocker2001: he has exposed himself. Bye joe. no longer a fan.
The absence of engines, a tail, and wings shows no Boeing 757 crashed at the Pentagon on 9/11, former Pentagon staffer writes
MaesterPraetor: Between tower 7 and no plane wreckage outside the Pentagon, how can anyone possibly accept the given narrative that’s become 9/11?
LittleBigTroll: What is most conspicuous is the lack of security camera evidence, like with the Las Vegas shooting event. This is why I wonder if the whole ‘we don’t want cameras everywhere’ mentality was actually promoted via a reverse psychology operation, so that we don’t have lots of public security cameras, and by public I mean no footage would ever be ‘lost’, and anyone could view the footage freely.
kummybears: When the planes hit the towers, the engines cut right through and landed in the streets below. They are the densest part of the plane. At the Pentagon, they didn’t even chip the facade. Beyond fishy. Not to mention the only security video shown to the public skips the frame with the plane.
DrewskyNelsonovich: Wings are fuel containers. Why would wings be left?
Bountyzero: F**king yes! This is a point I always make. The fuselage can go through the wall but there’s no sight of the nine thousand pound titanium engines? Yeah get the f**k out if here. I’m glad someone else thinks about it too.
RebootTheServer: Then what happened to the plane?
And why so i see pictures of debris all over the Pentagon lawn? Where did that come from
BeyondWikipedia: Pentagon stuff is crap. Where’s the blog about the DNA evidence, plane parts, personal items recovered from the crew members, witness accounts from the cleanup crew, endless witness accounts who saw a large airliner, etc.
Shogun321739: Sure, if you ignore all the plane parts that were identified as 757 parts.
ubervongoober: So now I heard that all the people on the plane were in on it too. So on top of accident investigators, the FAA, the coroner, the fire dept, all the various search and rescue operations, the 300 or so people on that plane (and their families) are all in on it. Wow thats not even including the people who planned the whole thing. How many people in this conspiracy? Few thousand. How many have come forward since 2001 to admit they took place in this? Zero. It’s a mathematic impossibility that all those people kept quiet for so long
Ih8j4ke: Pentagon staffer confirmed expert on science and plane crashes. Too bad the government used mind control on all the eyewitnesses but not the internet
Lord_Augastus: and physics defying twin towers fall, a third wtc also fell….
With an investigation that prevented independent inquiries, and no post release edits ever made. As if there was a coverup….Because there was
TubbyandthePoo-Bah: Upon flying into an armoured structure like the pentagon a plane would [literally atomise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZjhxuhTmGk). There would be no tail section or engines to prove or disprove the vehicle’s existence.
Whaddaya Say?