heresyourfckingsalad: Was there no such thing as casual clothing back then? Would people ever lounge around in a comfy tracksuit? Life must’ve been a misery.
tremendousPanda: It’s not really a bicycle if it has more than two wheels is it?
Salt-y: By their expressions, I think they need more comfortable seats.
inherentchaos2: Wow. We don’t even dress that good for weddings
Astro493: “Robert, we posed for 40 minutes so the damn picture could be taken, now can I please get off this infernal contraption! I have a 3 hour long corset fitting I have to attend!”
drewer23: Thought she had a GoPro strapped to her head at first… *Radical dude!*
silverpinemica: The one wearing the dress looks like Justin Timberlake.
Whaddaya Say?