That kid’s face “woooo”. Poor kid probably didn’t have a clue.
Everything they don’t like is communism. That hasn’t changed.
This also happens today too. They’re called Tumpeteers
Look how fit they are! America before fast food and sugary everything.
It’s kind of fascinating how the American flag is used to justify things. Easy way to “discredit” your opposition by making them look like they’re “against America”.
For the most part, these people are nameless. No one says “that’s my dad” holding the sign (I know a few have been identified but most remain nameless).
It makes me wonder about the future when these types of things come up. With the massive amounts of photos and tags, social media and the like, future generations will actually see what their parents and grandparents did and be able to put names to these types of actions. “That’s my grandfather/dad at Charlottesville holding up the nazi sign and wearing the swastika arm band”.
Yeah. Back when America was great. Not like now with all the inclusion and anti-bigot movements. This country got ruined when minorities started to be treated like people and you couldn’t beat the shit out of your wife just cause you were grumpy.
all these kids have such punchable faces
Gotta love the 50s, things were so much better in the good old days!
The *really* interesting thing is that everyone in the frame is now the Republican chair of one or another congressional committee.
Love photos like this when lately I hear all the calls for civility, including rubbish about the political discourse being far worse than it was in the 50s and 60s. Utter garbage
I don’t understand the logic. What does “race mixing” have to do with Communism?
What would our future generation think about us 50 years from now!
It’s always amusing to see this “Everything I hate is communism or marxist”, especially if the same people accuse others that “Oh, everyone you don’t like is automatically a Nazi”.
These are all Dumbocrats read the history they were against desegregation. Dumbocrats like Sen Byrd Hillary’s Mentor good friend to Slick Willy Clinton. Bill even did his eulogy when He died . Own this Dumbocrats this is your past.
That kid’s face “woooo”. Poor kid probably didn’t have a clue.
Everything they don’t like is communism. That hasn’t changed.
This also happens today too. They’re called Tumpeteers
Look how fit they are! America before fast food and sugary everything.
It’s kind of fascinating how the American flag is used to justify things. Easy way to “discredit” your opposition by making them look like they’re “against America”.
For the most part, these people are nameless. No one says “that’s my dad” holding the sign (I know a few have been identified but most remain nameless).
It makes me wonder about the future when these types of things come up. With the massive amounts of photos and tags, social media and the like, future generations will actually see what their parents and grandparents did and be able to put names to these types of actions. “That’s my grandfather/dad at Charlottesville holding up the nazi sign and wearing the swastika arm band”.
Yeah. Back when America was great. Not like now with all the inclusion and anti-bigot movements. This country got ruined when minorities started to be treated like people and you couldn’t beat the shit out of your wife just cause you were grumpy.
all these kids have such punchable faces
Gotta love the 50s, things were so much better in the good old days!
The *really* interesting thing is that everyone in the frame is now the Republican chair of one or another congressional committee.
Love photos like this when lately I hear all the calls for civility, including rubbish about the political discourse being far worse than it was in the 50s and 60s. Utter garbage
I don’t understand the logic. What does “race mixing” have to do with Communism?
What would our future generation think about us 50 years from now!
It’s always amusing to see this “Everything I hate is communism or marxist”, especially if the same people accuse others that “Oh, everyone you don’t like is automatically a Nazi”.
These are all Dumbocrats read the history they were against desegregation. Dumbocrats like Sen Byrd Hillary’s Mentor good friend to Slick Willy Clinton. Bill even did his eulogy when He died . Own this Dumbocrats this is your past.