A Soldier of the 2nd Battalion de Choc, French Commandos, takes a German prisoner behind a shattered staff car during a firefight in Belfort, France November 20, 1944 [2054 x 1500]
Looks like the commando has a Kar98k and a German belt with ammo pouches. Interesting.
Kinda going out on a limb, but it could be he couldnt get ammo for his issued weapon and had to pick up a German rifle. That or he couldve just preferred it to a 1903 or whatever he would’ve otherwise been issued.
Looks like the German had been tooling around in a French Citroën Traction Avant.
Looks like the commando has a Kar98k and a German belt with ammo pouches. Interesting.
Kinda going out on a limb, but it could be he couldnt get ammo for his issued weapon and had to pick up a German rifle. That or he couldve just preferred it to a 1903 or whatever he would’ve otherwise been issued.
Looks like the German had been tooling around in a French Citroën Traction Avant.