Henman84: I can’t help but imagine one of these guys saluting late and just karate chopping Hitler in the side of the head
UWCG: Been noticing this a lot more on this sub over the last few months: what’s up with relatively new accounts that only post flattering pictures of Nazis? (See: OP) Certainly seems like the people posting this sort of thing have an axe to grind.
OverlordMorgoth: At least the old Nazis were nice to their veterans….
mudbloodead: But wouldn’t he have killed them due to his belief on the disabled?
ATAKAcMAPCA: And then he burned them cause they are incapable
Pedrulete: Hitler was wounded in World War I with gas and went blind for a time too. He received the news from Germany defeat and they say he continued being blind for more time because of the sadness caused by the defeat
Whaddaya Say?