Apple is a sordid corporation under the leadership of Tim Cook.
Instead of innovation, which there is practically none ever since Steve Job passed away, Apple innovated nefarious diabolical like consumer oppression, speech censorship, tax evasion, etc.
As if the recent meltdown of iPhone sales and stock prices aren’t bad enough, Apple again leveraged its unprecedented power over millions of smartphones to kill a spiritual app designed by Living Hope Ministries to help people “seeking sexual and relational wholeness through a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ,” claiming the app as “dehumanizing‘!
Killing Spiritual App In The Name Of “Humanity”
The Christian app is described by Truth Wins Out executive director Wayne Besen as,
“Dehumanizing App’
“We demand that Google and Amazon immediately stop selling and promoting this heinous app, which dehumanizes LGBT people.”
Apparently Apple’s chief executive Tim Cook was personally thanked for the app removal from the App Store.
As a result, Google and Amazon under pressure to ban the so called ‘anti-gay app’.
According to Ricky Chelette, executive director of Arlington-based religious group “We had not been told in advance that the app would be removed from Apple’s store and we categorically denied it was a hate organisation.”
Judging from Tim Cook’s scandalous records in speech censorship, it would appear this is yet another “Holier than Thou” conspiracy perpetuated in the name of God.
Following the infamous “Tim Cook Vows To Ban All Conspiracy Theorists From The Internet” scandal, whereby the banishment is seen by many as an act to stifle free speech, rather than to make Internet “safer” as claimed. Apple followed up with yet another scandalous episode – Apple Sucked Tumblr Into Its Walled Garden, Where Sex Is Bad – removal of Tumblr app caused the company to ban adult content across the board, causing users of the microblogging platform unspeakable pain and hardship as a result.
Hypocrisy of the Highest Order
Tim Cook invokes the name of God claiming biblical mandate moves Apple to censor speech
Tim Cook claims the censorship is a holy deed.
First, he cited the Torah: –
Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks Hebrew in address at anti-Semitism conference
“‘Lo ta’amod al dam re’eikha.’ Do not be indifferent to the bloodshed of your fellow man,” Cook said after receiving the ADL’s Courage Against Hate Award.
After that, the world’s powerful self-professed gay who once commented on CNN “Being gay is God’s greatest gift to me” went on to invoke the Bible Leviticus passage, that the biblical mandate moves Apple to speak out on behalf of the rights of targeted groups, including the LGBTQ community!
This gives rise to the question: Since when Torah or Bible embrace homosexuality?
What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
God created humans to engage in sex only within the arrangement of marriage between a male and a female. (Genesis 1:27, 28; Leviticus 18:22; Proverbs 5:18, 19) The Bible condemns sexual activity that is not between a husband and wife, whether it is homosexual or heterosexual conduct. (1 Corinthians 6:18) This includes intercourse, fondling another person’s genitals, and engaging in oral or anal sex.
Let we forget, God created us male and female… There is a she or a him, there’s no shim or he-she.
Never mind. Whether homosexuality is natural or man made is still a subject of contention. Science has yet to provide concrete evidence. That’s why free speech is a must for the world to move forward.
What About Humanity?
Is condoning an Apartheid State like Israel which blatantly killed unarmed Palestinian civilians considered humane (see what Tim Cook’s got in store for Israel)? If so, guess the term “humanity” needs a whole new definition altogether.
It’s clear by now speech censorship is a nefarious act that has nothing to do with God, and it’s against humanity. Actually, it’s downright illegal (against First Amendment).
In any case, Cook is right about the world being a very dangerous place. Even more so today.
It’s time for folks to do the right thing before it’s too late.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
— Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
In any case, here is a cordial reminder for Tim Cook,
If free speech is not allowed, gays like Tim Cook would have to live in complete darkness. It’s liberty liberty and freedom that enable gays to see the light.
Censoring speech is going against the law of nature.
Lest Tim Cook forgets.
My iPhone has been dumped in protest… Join me? #DumpiPhone
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