Authorities find Warehouses of Israeli-Made ‘Lethal Weapons’ in ISIS hideouts
ISIS is puppet of the Israeli regime?
IndefiniteLaundry: ISIS = Contras 2.0
HyakuNiju: shit smells of a rotten collaboration between Israel and the U.S assisting ISIS…that’s probably it. can’t wait for when these idiots will get punished/arrested for what they’ve done.
Stranger2Langley: Oh oh…
BanMikePantsNow: More Israeli criminality that will never be punished. The key to world peace is the dissolution of Israel.
DireStrike: I didn’t know there was an Israeli version of Danny Glover and Mel Gibson
ShillAmbassador: >Syrian military source told Sputnik Arabic
martini-meow: Makes this agitprop more interesting:
battle: More proof ISIS is a product of the Israelis.
InfectedBananas: People forget that ISIS stole A LOT of equipment from the iraqi army, it shouldn’t be surprising they have US purchasable weapons.
But do consider the source on this, Sputnik, a Russian government state news.
Pkytails: Bask in the age of David.
Maps are being rewritten. Iran
unruly_mattress: AWD News again? You talk so much about how the media is all fake, but when you see an actual fake news website you eat it up without thinking.
Debate4Dayz: Fucking jews am I right guys
LiterallyASupernova: Lol the Syrian government is not at all credible
AAjax: The video in the link seems to show a bunch of surplus junk.
Brigadier General of the Syrian Arab Army: ISIS was using arms provided from Nato, Israel and USA
oldbaldfool: Not much of a conspiracy to say that irregular forces use captured weapons.
blueweed908: And also the soldiers. 6500 starting headcount of isis ballooned to 250k, imported european Muslims and now traumatized by the Russian onslaught, they now return to their respective countries as ‘refugees’. They are angry.
Israel orchestrated 9/11?
This is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He ordered the 911 “bombings” which were “good for Israel”. He controls America through bribery, blackmail and nuclear extortion. US taxpayers give his country 38$ Billion in military aid which they use to kill Palestinian children.
htok54yk: The bassy tone of this guy’s voice is almost demonic.
Gene_Rosens_Daycare: Great post. Very accurate.
exkreations: Dude straight up looks like a Bond villian.
greenhillnation: Can you go more into detail on the bribery and blackmail?
anarchophysicist: Hey OP. I’m a Jew and just want you to know…
It’s all true. And we’re coming for you.
Aura_Refresh: Be careful, you will be called a racist or anti-semite for telling the truth.
CrazyCommunistBernie: Uh oh mossad and the jew internet defense force ain’t gonna like that
SWarsW: and Actively Trying to bring about the coming jewish messiah
deadendsidestreet: This man is the epitome of evil. He wants nothing more than to have every single Muslim wiped off the face of this earth more importantly from every square inch of Israel. Just look at the bulldozers which are constantly taking more and more homes and land from Palestinians.
The excuse is always Hamas has been launching bombs into Israel for years now…what are we suppose to do?
Well first off…lets take a look at how many Jews have been killed in the last 10 years from so called bombings… lets take a look at the damage, killing and destruction Israel has done in the same time…..the last offensive they launched into Palestine basically took out their water, electric and turned their homes and all infrastructures into rubble…and they did this for a reason…to give them no chance at any type of normal life. For Israel to say…hey…you guys need our help….we’ll take care of you guys.
It’s really sad…it really is….I use to be such a staunch defender of Israel….I use to defend them at every turn but now…its impossible to defend them at all and many others feel the same way. You almost find it impossible to side with them on anything due to the continued slaughter they perpetuate on the innocent.
You have the IDF shooting people and asking questions later.
[The last video I saw was a soldier shooting a Palestinian in the leg and just watching him bleed out without calling for any help]( ….then he did the unthinkable and shot him dead for no reason whatsoever.
omgwtflee: He just looks like a bad guy.
P00076: Yet, Lynn Benfield still wants to meet him!
trythisondawg: Oh mental illness. You poor fools arnt special for knowing some secret. You’re broken versions of us.
Mellyanish: Was there not room in the title for the blood libel and to deny the Holocaust?
sgtpinback: Ehud Barak, bibis defence chief, comes out against him in todays NYT. BUT Ehud spent 4 months prior to 9/11 in the US “on vacation” but simple deduction…he was the on the ground manager of the demolition of the WTC. WTF is going on.
AlienRooster: I know we all rip on Israel, but it’s not the nation that is the problem. It’s this guy, and his corrupt friends, and likely the jesuits who parade around as jews.
froggod972: Don’t just blame Israel. Sure they were involved, but the C.I.A., and the Pentagon literally planned the entire event.
Whaddaya Say?