zatoichi87: Anyone know why the ’77’ is on the rifle? Is it just for inventory purposes or is it there for another reason?
Glumbot_2: Alright so I found some information, not directly related to the picture but instead the the events that were going on when this was taken.
This picture was taken in Ireland , during the [Northern Ireland Conflict]( This was essentially a conflict that started in the late 1960’s and ended in the late 1990’s.
The Unionists/Loyalists (who were mainly protestant) wanted Northern Ireland to stay in the United Kingdom, while the Irish Nationalists (who were mainly Catholic) wanted Northern Ireland to leave the U.K. and reunite with the rest of Ireland.
This war was fought primarily in cities and towns, and involved a lot of bombings. Most of the fighting was guerilla style and took place in the streets of towns and cities.
I know this isn’t context to this exact picture but hopefully it helps.
Despeao: Nice looking SLR, it amazes me how this gun served in very single continent
jellybr3ak: is that an FAL? i love those
CaptainReggie: My home city. We still have our problems but we’re doing a lot better than we once were. If you ever get the chance to visit Northern Ireland, there’s a lot of great stuff to see!
Erikwar: That rifle looks quite long, must be annoying fighting an urban guerrilla war with it.
mooche22: As a nation Northern Ireland we have came so far but still so far yet to go.
echo_foxtrot: My father was a Royal Marine ’71 – ’93, he spent a lot of time in Ireland. He was a big fan of the SLR, used to (and still will if encouraged) go on rants about how great it was and how shit the SA80 that replaced it was.
MumuringGolem: Yes…by far the most interesting thing about this image is the fucking firearm…
KULAKS_DESERVED_IT: Doesn’t having the barrel stick out from behind cover defeat the purpose of hiding behind a wall?
tmanhitter: Anyone know what type of scope is on there? And where I could get one?
CrazyCaucasian1997: Are there any good books on the conflict? I’ve hard a hard time finding good sources on it.
johnwilliamsii: A British soldier occupying the streets of Ireland
HonestNeedleworker: A British soldier using an Irish child as a human shield.
A better example,
MacStylee: You’d see these guys all over.
I always had this ambivalent feeling about them, on the one hand they were allegedly “the occupying enemy”, on the other they were very clearly young lads over from England which is *just over there where your Auntie lives* and are shitting bricks.
I have no idea what they thought of us.
What’s interesting is they were my reality, I never believed they’d leave, never believed things would get better. I remember being told about the ceasefire and thinking this is bollox, temporary lull while we restock.
But then they left. I was basically 100% wrong.
arup02: Title provides no context at all. What was happening?
novaether77: These lonely island sketches are getting weird.
Whaddaya Say?