A**hole biker AKA abrennan077 “HD2” purposely cuts off an old man then immediately flips him off. The old man cuts him off back, and abrennan077 “HD2” tries to pick a fight with him. The old man kicks his ass as he screams like a bitch.
abrennan077 “HD2” is known for constantly lane splitting, speeding, constantly driving in HOV lanes, cutting people off and more. But if you cut him off, make him have to slow down or go around, ride his ass, or dare enter his lane, he will flip you off or even chase you until you park, and rage.
He once chased down a woman and her kids and yelled at them when he saw one of them didn’t have their seat belt on.
L0rdj: I totally get the mindset of riding on a bike and it being a live/death situation every time. Gotta be constantly aware of your surroundings.
With saying that…there is a fine line of acceptable aggressive behavior before someone will stomp your ass for crossing it.
Moral of this video is if you are gonna talk the talk you better walk the walk or you might just have a dude in his 50s beat your ass and then take your camera.
sergiusgregory: Totally stole dudes camera and drove off
yeeaup: Maybe I missed it, but why was the pubescent dude on the bike pissed at the dude in the white car?
L0rdj: The Boy got his ass beat!
greasysnowball: I really hope the sociopath in the car was caught and charged heavily.
Whaddaya Say?