>"Saracen honvéd of the Monarchy"
Different newspapers called him to "Perris Simon" or "Ali Mahmud".
The life of the black soldier is still covered by secret and obscurity.
The "Pesti Hírlap" in 1914 said the "exotic guest" worked in the Cinema of Nagyvárad (Oradea), but before his career he lived in Congo where he was transported to Berlin as a slave of a Turkish man and later they stayed in Budapest.
The "Cinema-nigger" (as he was called by the public) considered himself to a Hungarian and envied those Hungarian lads who were enlisted into the Austro-Hungarian Army while he was refused many times.
He said the following: -" I am very ashamed as a Hungarian i have to sit at home while other lads are beating the Muscovites. I do not mind if i will be a medic, just take me to the Front and give me a rifle. I could handle with a few Russians."
He managed to achieve his goal in 1915, when he personally asked the Minister of Defence to be enlisted.
After six weeks of training, he was sent to the Galician front where the "black honvéd" was decorated with the Silver Medal for Bravery (Tapferkeitsmedaille/ Vitézségi Érem) and also promoted to Corporal.
>Once his Colonel asked why he insisted to be a soldier while he didn’t have to. Ali, who spekt well Hungarian he replied:
-" I want to deserve a Hungarian girl!"
>Unfortunately, his further fate is unknown, but the Peace Treaty of Trianon could hurt the pride of the Hungarian honvéd as Nagyvárad where he lived was separated from the soil of the Hungarian Kingdom.
Here’s some info about him that I found online:
>"Saracen honvéd of the Monarchy"
Different newspapers called him to "Perris Simon" or "Ali Mahmud".
The life of the black soldier is still covered by secret and obscurity.
The "Pesti Hírlap" in 1914 said the "exotic guest" worked in the Cinema of Nagyvárad (Oradea), but before his career he lived in Congo where he was transported to Berlin as a slave of a Turkish man and later they stayed in Budapest.
The "Cinema-nigger" (as he was called by the public) considered himself to a Hungarian and envied those Hungarian lads who were enlisted into the Austro-Hungarian Army while he was refused many times.
He said the following: -" I am very ashamed as a Hungarian i have to sit at home while other lads are beating the Muscovites. I do not mind if i will be a medic, just take me to the Front and give me a rifle. I could handle with a few Russians."
He managed to achieve his goal in 1915, when he personally asked the Minister of Defence to be enlisted.
After six weeks of training, he was sent to the Galician front where the "black honvéd" was decorated with the Silver Medal for Bravery (Tapferkeitsmedaille/ Vitézségi Érem) and also promoted to Corporal.
>Once his Colonel asked why he insisted to be a soldier while he didn’t have to. Ali, who spekt well Hungarian he replied:
-" I want to deserve a Hungarian girl!"
>Unfortunately, his further fate is unknown, but the Peace Treaty of Trianon could hurt the pride of the Hungarian honvéd as Nagyvárad where he lived was separated from the soil of the Hungarian Kingdom.
>Source: "SZON: Volt egy szerecsen magyar honvéd"