Swagdustercan: I SPENT HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS HERE… Gets cut off, What was she about to say? Can anyone guess?
FongoBongo: Perfect example of why tasers are useful. To disarm an irrational Taco Bell zombie foaming bar wielding junkie.
Hoosier_816: This is yet another great reason that all police officers should wear body cams. Think of the shows that could be produced just from crazy body cam sh*t.
MC-noob: Just once I want to see a crazy methhead smash up a 4-star restaurant or a nice boutique store. They always trash the.. well, trashy places.
BMWbamboozled: That was satisfying
TieWebb: That’s how they treat a customer who spends hundreds of dollars at their fine establishment? Disgusting.
Wallywutsizface: *insert joke about Logan Paul tasing rat*
Notoriousbmg7: Really wanted those nacho fries.
jgo3: Not. Having it.
blindgoro: Helllllll yeah love that place
gh0stastr0naut: She’s clearly unstable and I hope she gets the proper help she needs… But that was incredibly satisfying to watch.
slurmfactory: Can you imagine dealing with creatures like this on a daily basis?
devdevo1919: He warned her so many times. Can anyone tell me exactly what she said before he tased her?
NWcoffeeaddict: Is there a compilation of white trash getting tased? That would be really satisfying to watch.
juicyhelm: Does anybody know of any other videos of white entitled people getting their ass handed to them by cops? Asking for a friend.
Finndependence: I came here under the impression that the title said “Police Tease Woman”. Saw the Justice Served subreddit and thought I was in for a treat. I was really disappointed to find out that I misread the title…
Whaddaya Say?