Burglar is caught breaking into house by police from r/JusticeServed
Bishopped: Shock and awe with the baton. Dude those telescopic steel batons would fuck you up, I’m not surprised he immediately went with, “You got me!”
1PointAnHourAgo: “Grandpa never forgot his house keys again…”
mintishclown: Classic pre-emptive strike
olddicklemon72: I love that they go straight to whoopin on him.
bPhrea: How old was that old bastard?
XOIIO: What the hell, why is this a screen recording?
Man some people are weird. Just post the video.
VanishingTacos: **WACK!**
Lurker4Life_26: Swing first, ask questions later.
FrozenNos: Love how the cop starts the encounter with baton to the knee.
Spark115: Plot twist, it was actually someone’s dad doing a little handyman work, replacing the back door.
Haber-Dashing: Should’ve snuck up on him and tased him. He’d have no idea what hit him.
DarkangelUK: I love that there’s 5 officers there and he’s resisting like it will help
phatphil55: A delicious baton strike. Fully deserved.
gldstr: thieves are truly pieces of shit can’t stand em, good job cops!
just_a_thought4U: In California this guy would be out the next day.
Mickeymanc: You have a snapchat to open up
BeefSerious: He’s an old timey cat burglar going for one more score to help a friend out of a jam.
TremontRhino: All I can hear is Cartman… “GET YOUR ASS TO JAIL!!!”
llamas1355: I would have shit my pants and hid under the bed if my house was in the process of being broken into.
powerroots99: The video player sucks…
GryphonWhitchurch: WHACK
itdeveloped: Hit first, ask questions later.. I like it.
knightcastle: The real crime here is the screen-recorded video.
Jaz_the_Nagai: That first cop did not have his morning coffee the way he likes it.
RMartin1: Where’s a cauldron of boiling oil when you need one.
Wastedmindman: There are so many people in my neighborhood who would simply wreck that guy- then call the cops after.
codeByNumber: I can never play these things on mobile. I get part way through then they pause, or stretch. I can still hear it but then the action is frozen and stretched. Sometimes when I leave the thread the audio still plays even when I’m in a different thread.
This is on the official Reddit app. Any recommendations?
mzeemoha: He got a literal ass whooping
wickedogg: That dude looks a little old to be a burglar
Brethus: Sorry officers I have oldtimers, this isn’t my house? I always get in my house with a crowbar
FeyneKing: Of course they’re Scottish. We’ll chib ye.
flockofjesi: Stop resisting!
acraig92: This is scotland
MongolianCluster: I was expecting a bucket of piss on his head.
bigfeenx: Fuck him up first then start asking questions. Yes!!
Tychoster: “Bloody hell, you got me!!”
Xanexx: How do I get me one of those stick thingies??
AnotherDawkins: Oh, how I dream someone would try breaking into my home while I am there.
Tsopesku: piece of shit worthless chav scum that is going to get a slap in the wrist by the bastardized autistic piece of shit legal system of that piece of shit country UK has become….
you can ban me now….
fro5sty90: I always thought that police in the UK had the ‘bobby’ batons, no? The once who are flexible with a weight on the end of it.
They hit you with the middle of the baton on youre shoulder. And it bends all the way, hitting your shoulder blade also. Very painful. And you can’t use your arm anymore.
PitchforkAssistant: What is that sawdust looking stuff, is he sawing the door open?
Zenniverse: The whole time I was thinking “why don’t you just shoot him” and then I saw the European police officer. I forget that not everyone has guns in places other than America /:
fifaislife206: Burglar? That looks like an old man who locked himself out of his own house…
sable-king: This was already posted here.
soapgoat: if this happened in america, the dude would be dead lol
castle doctrine <3
should consider himself lucky he lives in a commie shithole where you arent allowed to protect your personal property, and only got beat with a fucking stick instead of shot.
defiantlynotathrowaw: Can somebody explain the reasoning/justification for the baton smack without warning? Is it because he has a crowbar or is there something else going on?
nicolas_kg: Thank God female police officers have a purpose ?
PigsAndCats: Should’ve shot him. The world has too many people in it and we don’t need scumbags like this.
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