Trump’s decision to allow tip-pooling could cost workers $5.8 billion – Changes proposed by the Department of Labor on Dec. 5 would allow employers to legally pocket tips that servers earn at restaurants
ellelitellelit: All restaurants I’ve worked in did tip shares which were pooled and divided based on role ( server, cook, bus boy, hostess) and split based on hours worked in that pay period. It actually helped everyone pull their weight. Work hard and courteously and get more tips for the greater good. By no means a new idea.
Guano-: Hope this would be a change to force business to pay their employees a fair wage instead of relying on tips. But the idiot workers will still work slave pay for tips.
Tips should be an additional incentive, not main source of income.
freesp33chisstilldea: Not surprising really. Shame. The best thing to do is to avoid these establishments.
Theinsideofyourskull: I thought most of these donkeys were in favor of socialism? Doesn’t taste too good does it?
omnicidial: Walk out and post to Facebook and Yelp that they’re doing it I’ll never eat there again.
The United States of Walmart — The Largest Employer in Every State
BoardroomBimmy: Amazon: “Hold my monopoly, fam”
RaakamB: And that is why they are extremely against unions… paying livable wages and providing benefits to 1.5 million people… tooooooooo much.
SoCo_cpp: …and they still only have one checkout lane open.
wilzmcgee: Wow ,Washington is the only state that it’s largest employer actually produces something,besides health or education.
kaioken_X420: Aren’t there some heavy conspiracies around the Denver airport?
sackajahweeda: So know that a great number of those families are on ebt as well…so much for employing the most people.
darkwolf131: Wow, the joke around my town (NJ) when I was in high school was that everybody’s worked at Shoprite at least once in their life. I had no idea they were NJ’s biggest employer, but I totally believe it (Wakefern is best known for Shoprite)
I know Shoprite employees are union members, so I’m actually quite proud that my state’s biggest employer is one that has a union.
TheCrawlerFL: I truly believe Amazon is going to usurp them in 5-15 years. They’re building a second HQ (in Tulsa I think?) To cope with demand
Edit: the largest employer in the state of Colorado is the Denver Airport…?
dandotcom: Mayo clinic sounds like a delicious place to work.
ryanrat09: Didnt realize universities were such large employers
Xn0v1kX: Those government subsidies working hard.
freesp33chisstilldea: Damm, this is sad.
Ssrithrowawayssri: It says 22 states not every state
just_to_annoy_you: Pay them juuuuust enough to only be able to shop at their place of employment, and you can just keep expanding.
venCiere: Lord help us.
4ward2death: This is what thriving capitalism looks like.
Tear @ Walmart cause we all know the product comes from China.
Arkfort: Not that I don’t buy into the idea that Wal Mart has an unusual amount of power which they abuse, but you are going to need a better source. As far as I can tell someone ran an internet search and then bull crapped all the stuff they didn’t find on the internet. Don’t see any connection to any studies or any organization that actually collects this data.
arakele: I don’t think top private employers is correct if they are including state level government agencies.
dfresh780: MGM largest employer in Nevada? Strange that we haven’t heard much about Stephen Paddock eh?
tamrix: I feel sorry for Americans but I just wish they would stop calling themselves the greatest country in the world. They just never listen if they’re so up themselves.
rimeswithburple: Now do a map where the us government is the employer. Include military and civilian employees along with military contractees. Bet walmart wouldn’t win out in so many states then.
pissbook: Government, including Fed, State, local, employs about 22,000,000 people in the US, in total. But we’re dicking around about WallyWorld’s 1.5 million. Pfft.
DrStevenPoop: What’s the conspiracy? Walmart is the largest retailer on the planet. It would make sense for them to have a lot of employees, and since they mainly operate in the US, it would make sense that they employ a lot of people in the US.
Darth_Venath: I believe it’s actually 1.5 million people world wide.
Seabass71: More interesting is that Colorado’s largest employer is the DIA.
ak235: The University of California is a private employer?
9877654432110: This is why I love Walmart. The best thing you can do for a poor family in a poor neighborhood is put up a Walmart.
3rdGradeFailure: This isn’t true just as it wasn’t last time it was posted. Just as a example, in Virginia it’s largest employer is Newport News Shipbuilding with over 22k employees.
WildBill1833: This graphic is incorrect. Walmart is not the largest employer in Tennessee.
facereplacer3: When **the government** in Flint Michigan was poisoning people with **government owned water,** who helped the people? Walmart. Some perspective might be good here.
findmeastray: Well that certainly explains a lot, lol.
StarksvsLannisters: Oh, now it’s time for the Walmart hate circle jerk. Do you guys just hate everything that succeeds? Walmart provides so many, including those with disabilities, the ability to work. If you want a new car and buy a house you’re going to have to get a new job. Why people have these fantasies that Walmart needs to pay more than it’s competition is beyond me.
Dude-with-hat: 1.5 million out of 360 million aint bad
aztec_armadillo: Wrong. At least for alabama
Redstone Arsenal with 60k (State not Private)
UAB with 54k = 30+16+8.194 (Private)
txstoploss: Does this include government employment?
EDIT: No, it doesn’t, because Walmart’s “OMG! 1.5 million!!” is *noise* and rounding errors, compared to [state & local]( *or* [Federal]( figures.
jekstarr: And they pay garbage so that workers have to sign up for food stamps. And where do their workers shop and buy pretty much everything they eat, wear and use? Walmart.
StGabriel5: Is it also weird that the secondmost area of employment is healthcare? No wonder big gov wants in on a piece of that pie.
rimper: I hear Strzok can smell those employees from a mile away.
Whaddaya Say?