The Story of Your Enslavement
The following video looks at the brief history of human enslavement….up to and including your own.
There are three simple methods of enslaving humanity:
Indoctrinate children through government “education”
Turn citizens against each other. Divide and rule.
Engineer external threats so the public look to those in control for “safety”
Rinse and repeat.
We can only be kept in the cages we do not see.
Meanwhile in the land of milk and honey, enslavement is so advanced people are behaving like … Animals?
The Goldstein Massacre
Think that is terrible? Wait till you see the kids of Israel and Palestine in action …
Does this place look like the land of milk and honey?
Learning to Hate: Israel’s Colonial Settler Children
Ahed Tamimi as a young girl giving IDF the business
According to,
Chuck Baldwin: Zionism, Not Islam, Is America’s Biggest Threat
Chuck Baldwin, the 2004 vice presidential nominee and 2008 presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, published the following editorial yesterday:
While evangelical Christians and pastors and conservative pundits on FOX News, radio talk shows, and Internet news sites constantly rail against the perceived threat that Islam poses to the United States (Saudi Arabia IS a real threat–most of the Islamic terror groups hail from Saudi Arabia–but of course, the U.S. considers the House of Saud an ally and has made over $11 billion in military aid available to them; and rarely do anti-Muslim Christians make any distinction between Islam in general and the terrorist state of Saudi Arabia in particular), almost no one dares to warn the American people about our country’s greatest threat: Zionism.
It is a fact, and anyone who is willing to do even a little personal research can easily discover the data proving it: Zionists heavily influence–if not outright control–the mainstream news media, the major motion picture industry, the popular entertainment industry, mainstream Christian religion, and the U.S. government. I’ll say it straight out: Zionism is not only a “clear and present danger” to the liberties of the American people; it is the BIGGEST danger to the liberties of the American people.
Since the creation of the Rothschild Zionist State of Israel in 1948–and its resultant pervasive influence on America–our country has almost completely lost its Christian heritage; the traditional family unit has been fractured to the point of obliteration; the entertainment and motion picture industries have become nothing short of massive purveyors of moral filth resulting in the almost universal loss of morality among our nation’s youth; the mainstream news media is nothing but a propaganda machine controlled by Zionist media moguls; and the foreign policy of the federal government of the United States is not led by American interests, but by Zionist interests.
The famed French philosopher Voltaire is quoted as saying, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Of course, the Zionist-controlled media complains that Voltaire never said this. Even if he didn’t, the statement is absolutely correct. Who is it that no American politician, journalist, news anchor, entertainer, actor, singer, or preacher is allowed to criticize–at least not without dire consequences? You guessed it: the modern Zionist State of Israel.
One can rant on and on against Islam, Christianity, or virtually any other faith or political system with NO repercussions. But dare to say a word against the Zionist State of Israel, and one will be quickly fired, publicly scorned, financially ruined, or worse.
More violence videos in Israel
- Home Barging
- CHildren NSFL
- Run over by Jeep
- A night on the town
- This concludes the tour
- Zionist women lying in wait
- Sukkot means kicking people’s ass
- Our God says you can’t pick your olives
- This is what I do, I sit on you
- Fence it in
- RIP Rachel
- Gawd gave me this land forever
- Unspeakable ugliness
- No such thing as Palestinians
- Anat the Rat #1
- So now our roof
- I don’t leave you alone
- Sick her!
- Anat the Rat #3
- Put all of them their woman and children and flocks to the sword
- The opposite of Holocaust
- Anat the Rat #4
- Olives and the Alkobi family
- Ali G and the “terrorist”
- Incrementally approaching Al Aqsa
- He would have shot if he weren’t on camera
- White phosphorous: Graphic Warning
- Trophy pictures on Facebook
- We take your land, we take your flag
- Feeling the hate in Jerusalem
- Dead Gazan children: Graphic Warning
- Sudanese to Sudan
- Learn to hate
- Several dead Arab children: Graphic Warning
- The Israeli National Dance
- Hey Blondie!
- Settlers tour neighborhoods they will later steal
- 6 soldiers, 1 Arab boy
- American Jew in a shemagh gets beaten
- Crazy Settlers and the book they live by
- Weak people’s imitation of strength
- No toilet paper for you this week
- Gaza from above
- Water Starvation
- Stop shooting us
- “I love killing Arabs”
- Gaza Airstrikes
- Smoke bomb the terrorist children
- Cave of the Patriarchs massacre on the news
- Good morning neighbors!
- Why do they break cameras?
- Israelis cheer as rocket hits Gaza
- World’s greatest army?
- The Most Moral Army in the World
- Hot sauce
Whaddaya Say?