A German federal court has thrown out a 95-year-old former Auschwitz death camp guard’s appeal against his conviction for being an accessory to murder.
The decision to uphold Oskar Gröning’s conviction sets an important precedent for German prosecutors’ efforts to pursue others who allegedly served at Nazi death camps.
dotMJEG: Not to defend the guy, as I don’t know his story, but it’s important to remember that a lot of the people who served for Nazi Germany had very little choice in the matter, it was do or die.
I find myself conflicted at the idea of sentencing a 94 year old man to years in prison, with little hard evidence to go on, half a century after the crime occurred. Even given the extraordinary circumstances.
> It is the first time an appeals court has ruled on a conviction obtained under the logic that serving at a death camp, and thus helping it operate, was enough to convict someone as an accessory to the murders committed there – even if there was no evidence of involvement in a specific killing.
> “He has said that he does not consider himself a perpetrator but merely a small cog in the machine.” [quote from another article from a camp survivor]
In the same light, would/ should we go back and also convict a regular uniformed soldier for being “apart of the machine?”- by and large we didn’t convict the grunts. IDK, it’s quite a situation. It’s also interesting to note that he states he requested a transfer to the front lines- so had this ever actually happened, would he still be someone we should convict?
scottland_666: I think all the generals and officers who came up with the ideas and ordered he executions should be priority for punishment. Pretty sure some of them got off punishment in the 60s(?) and went to South America to live as normal people. I think some were assassinated, but I don’t really know. Anyone know what I’m talking about and more?
skeeferd: Never to late for justice.
Justice for Bigots/Racists?
After seeing the true faces of Jews (emphasis – not all Jews, there are decent Jews like David Sheen. But most of the brainwashed Jews – don’t bet on them- these guys are dangerous bigots/racist zombies).
Check out how they regard others as subhuman, how they use resources of the west ($39 billion American tax dollars in particular) to bully and to persecute everyone – you read it correctly, EVERYONE (not just Palestinians).
A typical Jew actually believe everyone else is a retard, particularly Christians who think Jews consider Jesus Christ as a prophet/Messiah. I am sorry to tell you, No. Jewish priests persecuted Jesus and they see Christianity as a cult and Jesus is nothing but a nut. Did you know they won’t even allow Christians in Gaza to go to Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas? The reality is Christmas is just another lunatic orgy party to them, and you can find out more what do they think of Jesus/Christians in the Internet. Everyone else is just beast or insect – Gentiles ie. you = Subhumans.
Don’t believe me, see some of the clips below to understand their mentality. Basically, they are told it’s their God given right to steal, rob, kill as long as the victim is a gentile = beast/insect (this explains why they couldn’t assimilate despite having been living Europe for centuries): –
Abby Martin Exposes Zionism & Israel on Joe Rogan Podcast (Strong Language)
“Palestinians are animals to these people.” – Abby Martin on Israel
Israelis Speak Candidly to Abby Martin About Palestinians
On the streets of Jerusalem, Abby Martin interviews Jewish Israeli citizens from all walks of life. In several candid interviews, disturbing comments reveal commonly-held views about Palestinians and their future in the region.
Israeli-born human rights activist and anti-Zionist, Ronnie Barkan, explains why these attitudes dominate Israeli society.
Anti-Black Racism Reveals Israel’s White Supremacy
While the Israeli state espouses multiculturalism and diversity, it oppresses not just the Palestinian population, but also any Black person within its borders.
Inside Palestine’s Refugee Camps
Before you call me Anti-Semitic, see expose by a Jew/Israeli himself: –
License to Murder
A video by Dan Cohen and David Sheen, with Ronnie Barkan.
Thousands converged on Tel Aviv’s city hall on 19 April 2016 to register their support for an Israeli soldier who was filmed executing a Palestinian youth.
On 24 March, Sergeant Elor Azarya, 19, had aimed his rifle and fired at the head of 21-year-old Palestinian Abd al-Fattah al-Sharif as he lay on the ground, wounded and immobile, in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron.
From across the country, Israelis descended upon Rabin Square, Tel Aviv’s premier venue for large public protests, to express their indignation over the army’s charges of manslaughter against Azarya.
The rally featured speeches by Azarya’s mother, father and sister and a number of musical performances by popular Israeli artists.
This film documents some of the rally’s most poignant and frightening moments.
There are many more good deed by David Sheen @ https://www.youtube.com/user/bluepilgrimage. I hope he is the Messiah the Jews are waiting for. May G-d bless him.
Please note terminnology like Jews/Israelis/Semites are quoted confusingly since time immemorial – this is a Jewish nonsense.
First of all, they call everyone disagree with them as Anti-Semitic. This is quite possibly the biggest joke on earth. Because the truth is you are either Anti-Jew, Anti-Zionist, or Anti-Israeli. But not Anti-Semitic. Why? Because Arabs (Palestinians included) are actually Semites. Does that mean the Jews themselves are also Anti-Semitic?
Second, more than 98% of the present day Israelis are actually recent immigrants. Even Benjamin Netanyahu himself is a Polish. We know universally only indigenous people can lay claim to land – that’s also circumstantial and contestable. What is the definition for indigenous people? How can a Polish like Benjamin Netanyahu, or people who just migrated to Palestine in recent years automatically become natives as long as they quote a few verses from the Holy Books? Which has been described as “fairy tales” – This is not even what I say, this is what a celebrity Jew, Albert Einstein said.
Not only these “immigrant natives” are “indigenous”, in fact, they are super native, that’s ultra indigenous. Why? Because they even have the right to expel the native (Palestinians), tear down their home and hijack their land.
I can go on an on and on, but talking about present day Israel is becoming nauseating. I rather stop here.
To cut it short, let’s just say all decent folk should reject any politician that support Zionism and spend billions of tax dollars on a rogue apartheid state that have no qualm perpetrating inhumanity like the Israel regime.
Germany has corrected their wrong. It’s your turn, Israel.
Whaddaya Say?