Russians Reject New World Order As Putin Wins Election By Landslide
Vladimir Putin won the Russian presidential election by a huge landslide on Sunday, as tens of millions of Russian citizens reject the globalist policies of the New World Order.
Vladimir Putin will lead Russia for another six years, after receiving a staggering 75% of the vote, according to the central election commission.
Addressing a rally in Moscow after the early results were declared, Mr Putin said voters had “recognised the achievements of the last few years”…
How Vladimir Putin Became the Hero of Nationalists Everywhere
Russian President Vladimir Putin has made few friends within the anti-
CNN’s Don Lemon explained the term “globalist” is a dog-whistle to right-wingers echoing the ideology of Adolf Hitler, who fomented against the Jews as “international elements that “conduct their business everywhere,” thus harming and undermining good people who are “bounded to their soil, to the Fatherland.”
Russia TV/Putin Warn Globalists May Kill Trump
Alexander Dugin, the Russian ultra-nationalist dubbed “Putin’s Rasputin” who linked Putin, Erdogan and Trump.
Putin Urges Europeans To Fight Globalism Before Its Too Late
Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on the people of Europe to rise up and fight the globalist agenda, before its too late.
Speaking at the at the infamous Valdai conference in 2016, Putin called for the self preservation of Europe from an evil globalist agenda.
Putin calls for cultural self preservation of Europe frm impure globalist agenda !! #MondayMotivation #Vlad ✔️✔️
— USA NEWS (@USANEWS007) May 15, 2017
“A further challenge for the national Russian identity is connected to the processes we observe outside of Russia. They include foreign policy, moral, and other aspects. We see that many Euro-Atlantic states have taken the way where they deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilization.
“In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied – national, religious, cultural, and even gender identities are being denied or relativised. There, politics treats a family with many children as juridically equal to a homosexual partnership; faith in God is equal to faith in Satan. The excesses and exaggerations of political correctness in these countries indeed leads to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of paedophilia.
“The people in many European states are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are indeed frightened to speak about them. Christian holidays and celebrations are abolished or “neutrally” renamed, as if one were ashamed of those Christian holidays. With this method one hides away the deeper moral value of those celebrations.
“And these countries try to force this model onto other nations, globally. I am deeply convinced that this is a direct way to the degradation and primitivization of culture. This leads to deeper demographic and moral crisis in the West.
“What can be better evidence for the moral crisis of human society in the West than the loss of its reproductive function? And today nearly all “developed” Western countries cannot survive reproductively, not even with the help of migrants.
“Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without rules and moral values which have formed, and been developed, over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity and become brutes. And we think it is right and natural to defend and preserve these Christian moral values.
“One has to respect the right of every minority to self-determination, but at the same time there cannot and must not be any doubt about the rights of the majority.
“At the same time as this process plays out at a national level in the West, we observe on an international level the attempts to create a unipolar, unified model of the world, to relativise and remove institutions of international rights and national sovereignty. In such a unipolar, unified world there is no place for sovereign states. Such a world needs merely vassals.
“From a historical perspective, such a unipolar world would mean the surrender of one’s own identity and of God-created diversity.”
Anti-Globalist Sentiment Shared By Trump’s Supporters
Alex Jones urged Americans to “Look to Jesus and Lazarus for inspiration fighting the Globalists that want to destroy them, claiming that those who are defeated in the battle will see their spirits ascend to a higher power.”
“Of course, as allegories and clichés tend to be true, metaphysically you tend to fall with your great nemesis. But through the fall, you ascend. Evil falls and is destroyed when it hits the bottom. When we fall, we rise even stronger,” Jones said. “The example is Jesus Christ, physically risen, or Lazarus risen, as an archetypal example for us. But we are spiritually risen again. We are also—in life everything is a reflection of the great final moment before God.”
Jones Further further asserts “Globalists won’t have children to Maintain their sociopathy.” However, the “Chosen” community argues Jones is just talking shit as the Big Globalists have a ton of kids. George Soros has five, the Clintons have one, the Obamas have two, David Rockefeller had six, Peter Singer has three, Zbigniew Brzezinski has three. Pretty much ever Rothschild heir has multiple children. You see?”
Could it be Jones is insinuating “incest and inbreeding are prevalent among the Globalists ?”
Anyway, Ann Coulter Tweetstorm targeting ‘Globalist’ Jews also sparks outrage.
Ann Coulter, the arch-conservative talking head who frequently complains about Jews and has white nationalist sympathies, took to Twitter Thursday night to call Jews “globalists.” Her remarks came after Donald Trump referred to outgoing economic adviser Gary Cohn as a “globalist,” using a moniker that many see as an anti-Semitic slur.
Proponents of the “Chosen” community were enraged, calling for her to be banned from the platform over what they deemed to be “use of anti-Semitic and inflammatory language.”
Coulter tweeted the statements after posting the headline of a Huffington Post article calling “globalist” an “anti-Semitic term.”
.@HuffPost: “This Anti-Semitic Term Was Casually Used At The White House 3 Times This Week” (The “Anti-Semitic Term” is “Globalist”!)
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) March 9, 2018
So, How To Defeat The Globalist System?
According to Zerohedge‘s 4th Generation Warfare, which is based on a primary lesson within Sun Tzu’s The Art Of War. Sun Tzu argues in the classical military tome that the greatest strategists win wars by NOT fighting, or at least, by not fighting their opponents openly and directly. That is to say, they win by convincing their opponents that fighting back is futile and that surrender is preferable, or, they convince their opponents to destroy themselves through internal conflict and psychological sabotage. Sun Tzu felt this method was far superior to engaging in direct combat in a real world battle space.
While this might sound bizarre to some, it is becoming more and more apparent (in their view) that 4th Gen warfare is now the go-to weapon for globalists. Defeating the system established by the globalists, a system prevalent for decades, is an impossible task unless 4th Gen warfare is understood.
A classic example of a tried and true form of 4th Gen attack is to initiate a civil war within a target population, and in most cases, control the leadership on both sides of that conflict. Another method is to conjure an enemy, an outside threat which may be legitimate or entirely fabricated, and use that enemy to push a target population to unify under a particular banner that benefits the globalist cabal in the long run. Fourth Gen requires patience above all else.
In fact, I would say 4th Gen is the weaponization of patience.
A 4th Gen attack is not carried out over days, or months, but years. To find a comparable experience is difficult, but I would suggest people who have the tenacity set out to learn how military snipers operate. Can you train for years mastering long distance marksmanship, crawl for hours from an insertion point to an observation point, then sit in a hole in the ground (if you are lucky enough to have a hole in the ground) for days waiting to take just one shot, perhaps the only important shot you will ever take in combat, at a vital target, and do it with certainty that you will not miss?
The amount of planning, intense precision and foresight that goes into a sniper operation is much like the kind of effort and calm needed to complete a 4th Gen psy-ops mission. This kind of warfare is dominated by the “think tanks”, and anyone hoping to counter such tactics look into the history of one particular think tank — RAND Corporation, and their premier psy-ops tool — rational choice theory…. More here.
Here is another strategic article,
Is humanity doomed? Is there no hope to overcome the endless attacks upon humanity by the globalists? Should we just lie down and take our beating because there is nothing that we can do? Is there anything we can do?
How To Defeat The Globalists
The Globalist Agenda – Resistance
How The Elites Control Your Mind And Your Life
In order to resist the coming totalitarian control grid, you must simply refuse to comply. Do not accept a national ID card/biometric ID based driver’s licenses; refuse to take a vaccine of any kind regardless of the propaganda you are fed; refuse to eat genetically modified food; do not accept voluntary sterilization to save the planet; and above all do not accept the implantable microchip. And educate the very young of the dangers these things represent and to say no.
It is important that we all recognize that the controllers require our passive acceptance and compliance to their agenda. We have been indoctrinated to accept that we cannot effect change and have been disengaged from our true power. We are powerful and can make a difference and that is the truth. Any fear you have has been created by your indoctrination and by choosing to act you can break it and discover and power and freedom you didn’t know was possible. Choose to act as a powerful and positive force and do whatever you can to influence others whether it is on the internet or most importantly in person. Take to the streets and educate the public; organize with others of like mind and become enriched and empowered by the experience; inform those around you; participate in any general strikes that arise; and participate in local demonstrations that counter the agenda of the elite as it presents itself on the multiple fronts discussed on this site. By acting you create the conditions by which we, the informed, caring and compassionate people of this world can defeat the social engineers and chart a new course in human history.
Don’t be afraid to speak out – your voice and your thoughts are your true power. Share information, article you’ve read and DVDs/films you watched with those around you. Video is now the primary method by which most people consume information. It is a powerful weapon in you arsenal so use it whenever possible to pursuade those around you.
Political Action
The opponents of freedom have been active for a very long time but it is not too late. We can still get involved and retake positions of political power in local, provincial and federal government. All it requires on the will to act and the determination to succeed.
Self Sufficiency / Independence
In the short term, we are facing the economic collapse/deliberate destruction of the US which will result in hardship and depression on a global scale. You must do everything in your power to counter this and survive and thrive in the coming hardships so the knowledge you possess will survive and our ultimate victory over the elite sociopathic control freaks assured. Plant gardens and grow your own food and encourage those around you to do the same; buy/store emergency food supplies; take protective measures to arm yourself in the event you need to act in self defense to safeguard yourself and your family; ensure you have adequate access to water; and buy physical gold and silver related assets to protect against the imminent hyperinflation planned by the bankers.
Trust your own intuition. Throw off the dogma given to you by organized religion and decide for yourself what is right and wrong – we all know it deep down. Take the best from Christianity, Islam, Judeaism and other faiths that provide a foundation of ethical and moral behaviour and reject the current culture of moral relativism which will inevitably lead us all to destruction…. More here.
Whaddaya Say?