Paranatural: To be fair, monkeys are generally a–holes.
outerdepth: He’s lucky all he got was knocked down. He could have been torn up on top of it!
horsecave: idk about justice, this monkey looks like he had it commin’
picoler: Looks like that monkey’s been flipped off before
ajossi83: Who’s at the top of the food chain now bitch?
Big__Dill: pulled out the ol anime jump kick on him
feioo: I’m guessing the monkey was reacting more to the eye contact than the flipping off, but seriously if a monkey is showing you aggressive body language, what on earth would you have to gain by deliberately provoking it?
ReBurnInator: I was out walking in Hyderabad one cool Saturday morning and strolled upon a large monkey. Instead of provoking it I turned around and walked away. This guy should have just walked away.
ilikemyself25: That’s one funky monkey!
PBR303: Brass monkey
Pryce321: The justice was the monkey getting flipped off. Honestly, f— monkeys
dirtymoney: I wanna outfit myself with protective gear with spikes all over it and just piss off monkeys like that.
Severe-Autism: This is not justice served
KDB958: You don’t look a monkey in the eye. Learned that in Bali. At least I won though, saw him coming.
LiquidXe: Well, he pushed my buttons, I couldn’t help it, Jerry.
solly012: Carry a knife next time
swipswapyowife: Planet of the Apes II was playing on FX tonight, my only comment was “don’t ever fuck with monkeys.”
This video confirms my beliefs.
IanZ123: Smooth af
Whaddaya Say?