Botatitsbest: [Whole video with sound]
dick-nipples: That deescalated quickly
Chop77: Holy shit was that Batman or something? He took him out just like that.
Harbinger147: If I recall from this event , that the guy who did the choke hold is a cop I think, not sure cuz that hair and beard say otherwise lol
ryan101: Props to the Hispanic dude to not give away the guy sneaking up behind.
ChooseWisely72: Sleeper hold. Night night a**hole!
mouthpanties: Nite nite
NecessaryGenocide: Alpha or Delta or some recon sausage
dlokatys: I was really hoping for that guy to beat him with the bike
kismethavok: Didn’t even fight back, just kept grabbing the rail, what a tough guy.
SuccessfulFix: I hope he was asleep for the rest of the ride.
iheartjill: Go to sleep bitch!
11teensteve: good night Irene.
elduderino197: B*tch you got choked the fuck out!!!!
Subtle_Tact: For the record, this is an easy way to find yourself stabbed. Watched someone try this on a BART train that ended up getting stabbed multiple times in the shoulders and neck.
Rules_Lawyers_Suck: I can’t get the gif to play :/
sopeonaroap: took 3 of you to take out a drunk, unarmed, not-even-that-aggressive 155lb manlet?
Whaddaya Say?