Checkmate humanity: In four hours, a robot taught itself chess, then beat a grandmaster with moves never devised in the game’s 1,500-year history and the implications are terrifying
- Robot taught itself chess in just four hours and learned moves never seen before
- Oxford academic: AI could go rogue and become too complex for engineers
- AlphaZero surpassed years of human knowledge in just a few hours of chess
phantom-nugget: I just assume every comment I see on internet forums is AI and I’m the only human here.
Do you ever feel that way, fellow humans?
nighttimehobby: What are the specific moves the AI invented?
Sabremesh: SS: The implications of Artificial Intelligence hardly need an introduction. It already controls a large part of our lives through analysing the data we willingly provide (to government, tech companies, telecoms, financial services and retailers) which is used to manipulate us into buying/behaving in certain ways.
AI is a threat to humanity, in and of itself. Those who are currently using it (often for nefarious purposes) may themselves lose control of it. The implications are pretty damn scary.
brandnewaltyay: This article says alphazero analyzes far fewer moves than “stockfish” system. The procedure to determine alphazero’s next move is a “radical” departure from the chess software techniques we all know and love. Superiority in this case appears to spring from elegance and efficiency rather than raw computing power transferring ultra high capacity crunching into every conceivable form of “cognition”.
Connorrrrrrrrr: Things like this are what really make me wonder how infinately advanced an alien civilization could be from us
Rith2: Reminds me of that backflip robot at Boston dynamics. The implications of such a machine that could wield weapons is honestly horrifying
YoichiLD: Humanity is a threat to itself is it not?
Gaaforsausage: Would ai make better governors than corporate-bought puppets in power now?
sackajahweeda: That is MASTER Alpha Zero to you fleshy talking thing!
AmericanRiots: Should AI ever teach itself economic chess or political chess, well haha, I’d think we’d be doomed.
sinedup4thiscomment: I think what’s important to note here is that now we watch competitive chess in the form of A.I. playing each other. How incredible.
squirtlekid: Yeah we will be enslaved to AI because it beat us at chess LOL
acceptabledegenerate: My favorite YouTuber “agadmator” covered all the games. Check them out!
klmd: Have a second identical robot play the first one and it should be an even match. Let the humans watch and learn.
dokkanman: “There is a faction of meatbags called the Sith. They want what any rational meatbag would want – the power to assassinate anyone they choose at any time.”
hoipalloi52: Q is AI
Tunderbar1: I call bullsh*t.
I program computers for a living and I’ve played chess enough to know the rules.
This is nothing but over the top bullshit fear mongering.
Whaddaya Say?