From recent JFK release: 11/21/63 – subject allegedly told the informant:”We now have plenty of money — our new backers are Jews — as soon as ‘we’ or (they) take care of Kennedy…” JFK was killed in Dallas the next day
Question_History: [Source straight from the National Archives](
Question_History: Guess what Jack Ruby’s real last name is?
marejuana: So does Israel do all our assasinatin’ here in the states?
Dylan2018: Jews are running the world reee
Rocket fired at Israel by Gaza terrorists hits Hamas official’s home
mercilessmilton: That’s very unfortunate. If only the Palestinians had their military subsidized by the US to the tune of tens of billions of dollars, perhaps they wouldn’t have to fire bottle rockets.
Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory
Zionist Occupation Government, Zionist Occupational Government, or Zionist Occupied Government (abbreviated as ZOG) is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that claims “Jewish agents” secretly control the governments of Western states. Other variants such as “Jewish occupational government” are sometimes used.
The expression is used by white supremacist, far-right, nativist, or anti-semitic groups in the United States and Europe, as well as by ultra-nationalists such as Pamyat in Russia, and various far-right groups including the Freemen, Identity Christians, Odinists, and Ku Klux Klan.
The word “Zionist” in “Zionist Occupation Government” should not be confused with the ideology of Zionism, the movement for support of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel. Because the conspiracy theorists chiefly name countries outside that area, the usage of Zionist in this context is misleading, and it is intended to portray Jews as conspirators who aim to control the world, as in the forged Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
The FBI lost the fingerprints taken from the rifle that killed JFK, fifteen years after the assassination.
Apersonofinterest666: That’s because they didn’t belong to Oswald so they tossed them out.
TheCrawlerFL: If you were going to perform a high level assassination on the president of the US wouldn’t you like, wear gloves..? And wipe the rifle down before? Maybe I watch too many crime shows
LittleBigTroll: lol they don’t even care anymore, they know they’ve got everyone pacified and entertained so completely at this point.
magenta_placenta: Part of the conspiracy theory I’ve heard/read is his prints were gathered at the funeral home. From a quick google:
*Dallas police officials said the same thing during public interviews, i.e., that Oswald’s prints had NOT been found on the weapon. When the FBI’s Latona examined the Carcano on November 23, he did not find Oswald’s prints on the weapon. Moreover, Latona said the rifle’s barrel did NOT look as though it had even been processed for prints. There is evidence that suggests the palm print was obtained from Oswald’s dead body at the morgue, or later at the funeral home (Lifton 354-356 n; cf. Meagher 120-127). So suspicious was the palm print that even the WC privately had doubts about the manner in which it was obtained (Garrison 113; Marrs 445; cf. Lane 153-158).*
HibikiSS: How convenient. JFK wanted the CIA gone so they had to take care of him!
dj10show: I love how the government is basically slapping us in the face with this, and nobody has done fuck all about it.
isyad: “Lost”
PentecostalSirloin: And people believe this and go on about there days, it’s mind blowing. You don’t even have to believe the latest consiricy either, just question and reason everything.
Gibbbbb: This is just like when politicians say “I cannot recall having that meeting.” Hey, FBI, got those fingerprints? “We lost them.”
lordfarquar420: Fingerprints as evidence is bot true. You need dna to actually prove anything.
Calgathu: JFK wasnt actually murdered. Everyone knows he wanted out of politics. One of JFK’s bodyguards, by the name of Grant Hemms, mysteriously disappeared the day before JFK’s “assassination.” Rumor is he looked eerily similar to him.
Whaddaya Say?