Las Vegas shooting: FBI official says info on motive may take until next October to release.
pilgrimboy: We need to time it to coincide with the election?
olvie_999: Translation:
We’re not investigating anything. We know exactly what happened and we’re not going to tell you. Stop asking questions. And when October comes we’re going to bullshit you some more.
jennychan_fla: FBI investigation by the numbers
—400 specialists brought in
—1500 leads followed locally, 500 worldwide
—400 people interviewed about the gunman
—40 terabytes of data collected
—22,000 hours of video collected
—250,000 images collected
—14 days to comb through the 15-acre festival site
—13 days to collect evidence inside Mandalay Bay
—12 federal search warrants filed
—500 grand jury subpoenas issued
thane_of_cawdor: Any “enlightened people” want to explain to me why the Deep State would orchestrate a fake mass shooting without coming up with a plausible motive and story first? Wouldn’t that just attract more suspicion? Also, what was the Deep State’s goal in setting this up? Nothing happened with gun control or restrictions. What did they achieve here?
Seriously, someone help me out.
Arkfort: So they have info about the motive but they are not going to release that information for a year so that we all just forget about this… I say we come together and protest outside of the LVPD Sheriff’s office and stay there until we get answers. I’m tired of waiting.
Banecn: Gotta make time for the FBI to classify all the documentation and evidence JFK style.
Shekelgodx: Translation 2-Lombardo will be dead by then from suicide, car explosion or hit n runand the fbi will find some dummy to take his spot that gets a shit storm of a case he can’t go anywhere with in front of closed
Translation 3-Lombardo will push it off till next year and then give a heavily redacted release giving no info at all while being promoted to a new comfortable position.. then end up dead.
BeerCanThick: 10 months is an eternity. By then, a major terrorist attack will organically occur or be a government setup in the Western World, and nobody’s gonna know or care anything at all about Paddock.
Gr4ck3L: It would be such a strange thing to have our government be straight with us – consistently. I’d rather get bad news with a path to resolution instead of a limp handed circlejerk that keeps me in the dark.
YonicSouth123: Looking at it now, it makes totally sense to plan this hoax on long therm, including thousands of actors, taking numerous efforts in faking injuries and deaths and then simply forget to create/plan a motive for the shooter beforehand.
Anyone thinks that this would sound absurd?
Well i can imagine that now one of the hoax believers chimes in and says this was intentional, because when they had found a motive shortly after the shooting, everyone would question that.
So they’re playing like they didn’t now it yet and will reveal it later so that no one would think that they already had it.
Sounds paradox? Of Course it is… but that’s what i have seen out here when reading all these conspiracy theorists.
When the investigators can reveal in short time some facts or evidences, for the conspiracy dude that’s a hint that it’s intentional and planned.
When the investigators can’t reveal Facts and evidence shortly after the event, then it’s for the conspiracy dude also an hint and proof that it’s intentional and planned.
The only thing he trusts is his own bias and already manifested opinion and so he tries to utilize everything for his own bias confirmation.
linkdead56k: What is this? The Winchester? Waiting for it to blow over?
RoytripwireMerritt: AKA “HODL-ing til it conveniently fits whatever bullshit narrative we’re pushing on these people that week.” Who knows what kind of backspin they’re going to lay on this one. Maybe this will finally get a real internet surveillance bill passed…
leopheard: Here’s an idea, maybe we’ll never know his motive because nobody was in his head?
ridestraight: Boycott Las Vegas. Hit them right in the money jammers.
BasedBrit35: Our only hope is a whistle-blower. This smacks of a huge cover up and has done from the very start.
Cigarette5mokingman: RemindMe! 270 days “Vegas Motive”
sydewayzsoundz: They need time to come up with a believable fairy tale
Fsypro: Everyone knows this was leftwing terrorism, or something beyond the partisan system why don’t they just say it
abigstud: What if…… someone involved threatened to do something devastating if any information was released before October?
That’s where my mindset is right now. I think the investigation turned up something much bigger than what happened that night. The powers that be are chasing down a much bigger fish, and are following their demands.
chrislaw: Are they banking on something many times more horrific totally occluding the Vegas event? “We don’t have a motive yet, but we are following up many leads” could also mean “we’re gonna take it nice and slow, until you all get bored/we work out the perfect cover story, because the tea boy is off for the holidays and this stuff is below our paygrade – we just do the horrific things, what the public ends up believing hasn’t mattered for so long, you’d get mad if we said”
brewmastermonk: They are waiting for the deepfakes technology to get better so they can manufacture evidence.
datwayAlgerian: Reshape the gov. Gut out all the elites down to extinction.
Red_fd3g: That’s a good one!
joe_jaywalker: The Stephen Paddock line shooter story sounds as though it was written by a 5th grader. I expected Alan Rickman’s character from Die Hard to make an appearance.
Anyway, I’ll be waiting long after this contrived motive is released for any real evidence of actual shots having been fired in Vegas.
Reminder: it’s been 81 days since the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, and we still have no motive, the media is silent, and dozens of unanswered questions remain.
alejandrologist: I live in Las Vegas. Drive by the mandalas bay every day and think about it every single day. It blows my mind how silent it is. Not one single update. Not even a “welp. We don’t know shit.” The god damn FBI with all the manpower and technology hasn’t said a single thing about it. In a couple months another shooting will overshadow this one and we will forever be in the shadows.
-GuantanamoBae-: Security footage from the hotel would be good and not a lot to ask for in my opinion. I don’t understand how nothing’s been released. The shooting itself hasn’t be covered here in the UK on the news much since the week after it happened.. I dunno.
rebelsniper2: Is it possible he only motive was to kill as many as he could be for he killed him self or got killed. Not every one like this has a motive he could have just been done with the world and everyone in it.
Marcuskb91: We should pick one person to poke about this until the entire nation is properly addressed. In other mass shootings who is typically tapped to make a national statement?
owlfoxer: Isn’t this classic American media spectacularism? The media wants the blood and guts; and when it’s not fresh anymore they go to the next spectacular event, forgetting the terrible aftermath and the damage it’s caused?
I don’t agree with the media , in this respect, but this does not surprise me…
AlexTheGreat1234: I think that they just don’t care. Flint water is still fucked up too. Not one word from any agency or media.
remarqer: If you learned motive, what will you do with it?
-GuantanamoBae-: No. Just a clip of him entering the hotel, at least? Come on..
needleRick11: This keeps me up at night. There is a major piece of the puzzle I rarely see discussed. Paddock went to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport on September 19th and rented an intermediate sized car and drove it back to Las Vegas in the same day. How did he get to Phoenix? Did he leave his vehicle? Did he fly? Why did he go? What other stops did he make? Who on the FBI’s most wanted list flew into Phoenix around that time? Did any Saudi Nationals fly into Phoenix? Where did he go when he dropped the car off in Vegas at nearly 1am?
Take step back and think about this. A guy is planning a mass murder and 10 days prior he takes a day trip to another international airport to rent a mid size car only to drive back to where he came from?
potato4peace: I commented on a vice article on FB stating the same and hoping the people involved in this event receive peace one day. The comment replies were all people telling me that I’m crazy and that “there’s heaps of footage available” and that “what footage? Investigation footage won’t be released” and simple “he brought the guns in his suitcases”. Yeah I couldn’t be fucked arguing with these idiots. I can’t believe people take things at face value and never look and THINK about why/how it happened
thestilt: Mandalay Bay owns the footage and I’m quite certain that they don’t want it released. And while the FBI undoubtedly has access to the footage the employees involved know full well that leaking it could cause them to get fired and sent to federal prison.
Think about other similar situations. When a crime takes place in a big business like a bank or hospital footage is typically only released before the trial if they are looking for a suspect.
The footage will probably start getting leaked when civil cases go to trial.
padubenay: See Jake Morphonios on Youtube for a series of ongoing investigations into the Vegas Shooting which shine a lot of light on the whole business of what is being covered up:
ConspiracyCorners: Whatever the ‘facts’ of the shooting, as news stories reporting on a homicide investigation peter out, the media has been under-reporting how slipshod the investigation has been to the point of being deferential buttkissers instead of journalists…They suck so bad that the pattern of their slavish devotion to governmental scammers hit a new high/low with the security guard and his ~~handler~~ buddy with whom Ellen filled in for all journalists for all time with all-star softball skills…It’s comical to say “…dozens of unanswered questions remain.” Check out the triage video at (I didn’t know they had a) Hooter’s casino…Needless video suppression seems to be okay with most Americans, but not me…National security, anyone?
kinbladez: So here’s a question – shouldn’t this kind of thing have a storyline in place *before* it happens? Why the hell is it taking this long to figure out why this happened? If this were a government-driven thing I would expect the reasoning to have been established ahead of time. Our culture has such a short attention span that simply saying “this guy killed a bunch of people because he was mad about this thing we want you to feel bad for” should be a nice simple way be to inspire a groundswell of whatever emotion is desired. This, though, seems like it went off without a clear reason why, which is what I find the most troubling.
Unless, of course, the whole point was just to make people afraid of “random acts of violence”, which of course would make people clamor for more gun regulation.
Ctrlplay: You say there are unanswered questions. I agree, for myself and I assume many others in this sub, there are tons of questions that need answered.
But I think most people have accepted that he was just a lone gunman who snapped and killed a bunch of random people.
damon0: Hmmm.. The silence is a form of truth. The are pleading the 5th.
AstuteBlackMan: All I want to say is that. They don’t really care about us – Michael Jackson
colt4594: Yeah I’m not a huge conspiracy theorist but this one is still fishy to me. You think there’d be some sort of motive known by now
Rearden_Plastic: This is the one conspiracy that really blows my mind, and I am a very skeptical guy!
xithbaby: I’d like to know why survivors are all being killed off..
pinata89: I likely will get shit for this, but why is it imperative that we find a motive? It certainly doesn’t bring these people back to life or solve anything. That was the most frustrating thing watching the news coverage of this when it happened. Maybe there was no motive at all, and it appears pointless to me to continue searching for something that doesn’t exist. Does a motive really bring closure to anyone?
Durplings: There is no reason cause there are no reasons, what reason do you need to be sure?
Arkfort: And are we going to talk about the Paddock connection to the Reno shooting?
“Last night, someone was on radio discussing the Las Vegas shooting and the connection to what is happening in Saudi Arabia. They are connected. I’ll start at the beginning.
There was a King named King Fasal who has named a son, Prince AL Waleed, Bin Talal. King Fasal took ill and named his brother Salman as king in his place. King Salman has named his son as heir to the throne, instead of his brother’s son Prince Al Waleed. Al Waleed is a Wahhabi. Salman is Suni. Wahhabi is extreme Islam. Salman wanted a more modern, non extreme Islam for Saudi. That’s why he named his own son as heir.
In Las Vegas, Prince Al Waleed owned the upper floors of the Mandalay Bay resort including the 32nd floor. That was one of the points of shooting at the strip.
I say one of the places, because the witnesses were all correct. There were other locations. The Mandalay Bay has a Heli Pad on the roof. That is important, because that was the escape route after the carnage.
Paddock was a pilot. He was also a gun runner between the Philippines and the US
He was running guns for Prince Al Waleed. He didn’t win at the casino. Those millions came from smuggling.
On the night of the attack, I found out that King Salman was in Las Vegas. (I didn’t know that part until after the show and I received a missing piece of info.) Salman was at the Tropicana.
The FBI knew Paddock was running guns. They were tipped off. They didn’t know there was going to be an assassination attempt on Salman by Al Waleed (Salmans brother) just down the strip.
Paddock brought the guns as he usually did. Instead of getting paid this time, he was killed. He was victim one. The guns were used to shoot at the country music venue. That was to create chaos and distract from the real target over at the Tropicana.
Al Waleed’s assassins shot from Mandalay Bay, but they also were at the Tropicana trying to kill Salman. That explains why there were shooters on the ground as well as in the air.
Remember the videos of the helicopter fly over. I asked why a helicopter would be there when there was a shooter high up. It wasn’t news, or cops. It was the assassins who ran up the stairs to the roof from the 32nd floor. Remember they sealed the door to the stairwell? Paddock had access to the service elevator, because the boss said he could use the elevator, nobody questioned him.
Meanwhile the assassination attempt on Salman failed. Now we are seeing the result of the failed attempt. It was not only an assassination attempt and a terror attack, but an attempted coup in Saudi. This is why everyone shut up in Las Vegas. The response is still ongoing. You are watching it play out. As I said I spoke on air about this. I will post links in comments to prove my story. Las Vegas was definitely a terror attack.
Paddock was the gun runner. Al Waleed, the owner of the suite was who is behind all of it. All the witnesses citing multiple shooters all told the truth. There were shootouts along the strip and in Mandalay Bay & Tropicana Hotels. The reason nobody is talking is it’s not over yet.”
aikoaiko: I liked the theory that the Saudi Prince was there and the ‘shooter’ was there to sell weapons to the team that was going to assassinate him but when the plan fell apart the team killed the ‘shooter’ and then started firing on the crowd to divert attention. The prince found out and that is why he jailed so many top dogs immediately after. Something like that.
Sorry, but that number is simply “too damn high.” If one or two of these users are lying, I contend that they all are most likely lying.
mhazz84: Make sure this gets posted tomorrow on the 82nd day too
kingofthemonsters: I still believe it was a massive death cult human sacrifice.
Arkfort: I want to see proof that he bought every single one of those weapons
bukvich: It’s top secret you plebes. We can make up whatever the hell we want. I’m going with Paddock’s day job was piloting kidnapped children around the globe for the powers that be to harvest their organs and pimp out and the gunfire was a distraction committed by the would-be assassins of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.
I’m probably way off but since they aren’t going to tell us the necessary facts what can be done?
Coltsinsider: Was listening to a podcast and found out something interesting;
JANET Air has tankers outside the second window that he shot at multiple times, his bullets did not penetrate the outer metal though. His car was parked over by them, with several pounds of fertilizer in his trunk!
Now, where have we seen Janet airlines before? Oh they fly folks into Area 51, among other top secret bases daily, white plane, red stripe.
Anyone else heard about this?
SilliusSwordus: Why do you people think there has to be a motive? The entire point of chaos and nihilism is there *is no motive*
The sad truth of our world is that sometimes evil happens and there’s no reason, other than it’s evil. I guess some people invent reasons to sleep better at night
We have video footage from US military documenting an encounter with UFO’s but we STILL don’t have a shred of video from Mandalay Bay before or during the Las Vegas false flag
mygangwillgetyou: LVPD and the FBI are consipring with Mandalay Bay. It is a complete disgrace we don’t have more information.
CANTgetAbuttPREGNANT: Because nobody from the hotel is going to release that footage when the pending / forthcoming lawsuits are large enough to bankrupt the entire business. That’s not a conspiracy, it’s common sense.
Askmenothingok: You don’t see footage From cop killings until the case ends, maybe we’ll see something when the investigation is done? That’s our only real hope
joe_jaywalker: There’s not even video of bullets striking anything. I thought bullets had to be fired for there to be a mass shooting.
Do not forget Vegas
It’s been two months, and the Vegas event seems to already be forgotten. There’s still no motive, no explanation for the leaked crime scene photos, nothing on his girlfriend. Nothing about why large hospitals stopped receiving patients before they were even full, instead diverting victims to smaller more poorly equipped hospitals. No explanation for the mystery man escorted away by heavily armed police. Or about the Reno shooting that took place on the 29th in a condo that Stephen Paddock had owned property in as recently as December 2016, or the mysterious female “hostage” that was in the room during the shooting. “During the shooting, Stone held a woman hostage while he was firing sporadically, five to eight shots at a time for roughly 30 minutes.” Nobody was killed other than the shooter, and there were at most two injuries. Coincidence?
marflow75: It’s not even talked about here in Vegas…
OhThatHippie: The silence on vegas is deafening. You learn more about some local guy robbing a gas station than we’ve been told about it.
The-Juggernaut: The Reno shooting in the condo area was criminally under-reported. Saw it referenced ONCE on this sub ONLY. Is there more information?
PoorTasteLowQuality: One of the biggest bullshit remarks is the “200 rounds at a security guard” claim.
.223 would go flying through that door, through the next door across the hallway, and possibly continue through that next wall as well.
200 of those were fired off? In a hotel environment? Absolutely laughable. That door would be toast.
Police reports claim that they had to evacuate adjacent rooms. No one can attest one way or another to 200 rounds being casually fired at a security guard? Who sustained a minor leg wound from what would be nearly 7 standard capacity magazines?
Furthermore, they claim that there were cameras set up by the “shooter” both inside the room, and the hallway. Why has none of this surfaced?
Why did he have access to the freight elevator? Why is there no footage of this happening?
WarSanchez: I see a healthy amount of posts here about Vegas almost daily. No one has forgotten.
undertow17: At best we will get vague notions of the truth from a heavily redacted document in 20-30 years.
4FR33D0M: Can we get Tucker Carlson to make this a thing?
Anyone remember how every single day Keith Olbermann used to say something like “it’s been It has now been x days since Sean Hannity said he’d undergo waterboarding to prove it’s not torture”? Well, what if every day Tucker said something like “it’s been x days since the Vegas massacre and the police still have not given us a motive or shown us a single video of the perpetrator at Mandalay Bay or anywhere in Vegas the week of the shooting.” (I don’t have any Twitter or whatever accounts to reach out to him… unless he’s on reddit?)
Whaddaya Say?